Welcome to Hitler's, May I Take Your Order?

I wonder what Godwin's law would say about this restaurant in India?

When Hitler's Cross restaurant opened four days ago in a Bombay suburb, local politicians and movie industry types were on hand to celebrate beneath the posters of the Nazi leader and swastikas.

The owner insisted then -- and still does -- that the name and theme of his new eatery is only meant to attract attention, even if it has outraged Bombay's Jewish community.

"It's really made people very upset that a person responsible for the massacre of 6 million Jews can be glorified," Elijah Jacob, one of the community's leaders, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

But owner Puneet Sablok has refused to back down, and apart from Bombay's 4,500 Jews, there's been little controversy in India, where Holocaust awareness is limited, Hitler is regarded as just another historical figure and swastikas are an ancient Hindu symbol, displayed all over to bring luck. There are just 5,500 Jews in all of India.

You know, this is probably all Darwin's fault. Next we need an Italian restaurant called Mussolini's, and perhaps a Khmer Rouge Lobster. Just don't ask what the special is; it's probably Pol Pot Pie.

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At least five very off-color jokes come to mind, but I'd be ashamed of myself for mentioning any of them.

I only snuck in a couple of the dozen or so jokes I thought of while reading it.

At least five very off-color jokes come to mind, but I'd be ashamed of myself for mentioning any of them.

lame. If it's funny just say it. It's not like a joke automatically makes you a racist pig. Any guess what their ashtrays look like?

FYI: all my poker buddies are jews.

It's not like a joke automatically makes you a racist pig.

No, but it doesn't make me comfortable either. I only make offensive jokes in the company of people I'm sure won't be offended by them.

FYI: all my poker buddies are jews.

And why did you feel the need to add that? ;-)

Damn! If only I could think of a ruthless dictator to append to Cheesecake Factory.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

"It's really made people very upset that a person responsible for the massacre of 6 million Jews can be glorified,"

And once again, the other five-and-a-half-million are forgotten.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

Hitler, of course, was a vegetarian, which kinda ruins all the solyent green jokes. Or does it now?

CeauÅeesecake Factory?

Would the Nazi Goering order Nasi Goring?

By grasshopper (not verified) on 23 Aug 2006 #permalink

"Hill Street Blues" had several episodes featuring a comedian who committed some transgression, but once in the station house kept breaking up all the cops. They took a real liking to him. He complained that he must not be funny, because everywhere he performed, he flopped. So the stationhouse got him set for open-mic night, and all the cops went to see the funny guy, to lend moral support. All went well until the introduction: "And now, Steve Hitler!" Nobody had thought to check on his name.

Some things really shouldn't be used for commercial or comedic purposes. A restaurant named "Hitler's" is one of them.

Welcome to Yahweh's! Our special today is smoked, first-born kebabs.

I'd be surprised if there isn't a Mongolian eatery called Genghis Khan's.

The Hitler's Cross restaurant is just too freeky for words though.