Yep, it's Stevens

Senator Ted Stevens' spokesman confirmed that he was indeed the senator that put a "secret hold" on a bill that would increase government transparency and help us find where our tax dollars are going to. Apparently, the memo about committing political suicide got stuck in the tubes when one of his aides sent him an internet.


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If the only way we could get rid of Ted Stevens would be to kick Alaska out of the U.S. I think I'd be willing to see it happen. I certainly know that given the quality of politician they've been giving us there are some southern states that I've occasionally thought should have been allowed to secede. And that's really sad given that's where my family is from.

Jim S, that's really mean.

Speaking from Alaska here.

Though you're right about the only way to get rid of Stevens.

I am confused. Please explain to me exactly how Stevens action helps Alaska?

It's probably payback for other Senators trying to take his bridge (to nowhere) away in order to help pay for Katrina.

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 30 Aug 2006 #permalink

That's it. From now on I'm calling him Tubey McSenile. Or maybe His Tubeyness, Senile McPorkster. This guy deserves all the disdain that can be thrown on him.

It's a credit to the populist power the Web and the widespread hatred of pork among grassroots activists of all stripes that a non-partisan site (Porkbusters), a conservative site (GOP Progress), and a liberal site (TPMmuckraker) banded together so fast to uncover the identity of the "masked Senator".

By Andrew_Wyatt (not verified) on 31 Aug 2006 #permalink