More on Kenyan Pentecostals and Museum Censorship

The Middle East Times has a report on the attempt by Pentecostals in Kenya to do away with an exhibit at their national museum of some of the world's most important hominid fossils:

"When museums put it out there that man evolved from apes, theologically they are affecting many people who are Christians, who believe God created us," says Bishop Boniface Adoyo, who is leading a campaign against the exhibit. "It's creating a big weapon against Christians that's killing our faith," he said, calling evolution theory an "insult" and dangerous to youths. "When children go to museums they'll start believing we evolved from these apes...

"I can't stand it, neither can other Christians," he said.

The phrase "tough shit" comes immediately to mind. If the facts undermine your ridiculous beliefs, you're just going to have to deal with it.


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Wow, that's sad. How good can your religion be if you have to hide the truth to keep people in your religion. I just want to thank my departed dad and my wonderful mother for keeping religion out of our house. I am a much better person for learning that you do the right thing to do and not some big guy will punish you later.

Christianity has caused enough trouble in this world. Its outlived its usefulness.