Daily Show on Gay Arabic Translators

Here's a great clip from the Daily Show about Bleu Copas, one of the many gay Arabic translators to be booted out of the military for being gay at a time when the military admits there is a major shortage of people with that specialty. The clip includes uber-nutball Paul Cameron rambling incoherently about gays. He goes on about soldiers being raped, and about how gay translators might be distracted from finishing a translation if a "reasonably attracted man" was "in the vicinity".

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I watched this one this morning, and like all the Daily Show clips dealing with gays rights and related issues it is not only hilarious but exposes the anti-gay crowd for the bafoons and vacuous morons they are.

Perfect tactic for dealing with these people.

The Daily Show should be broadcast into public school civics classrooms.

Actual quote from Mr. Cameron:

""Martial sex tends toward the boring end,Generally, it doesn't deliver the kind of sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual sex does"

Methinks Paul Cameron spends a liiiiiiittle too much time thinking about "intromissing the rectum... with... the penis." His positively glazed look went nicely with the hitch in his voice as he attempted to get the words out.

Martial sex tends toward the boring end,Generally, it doesn't deliver the kind of sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual sex does

I am sure there was research done recently in which they measured the levels of arousal of various people on being shown gay porn. It was hardly surpising, but absolutely fantastic nonetheless, to discover that the people who found the gay porn the most arousing were the gay people themselves, and also the most vociferously homophobic.

Scientific research is splendid! Intromiss your rectum with that, ya big poof!

I never cease to be amazed at the fantasies that homophobes have over gays. In the Daily Show clip Cameron fantasizes about how much more lust gays have and their total lack of self control which tells me he's either blowing smoke or overwhelmed with suppressed gay ambitions. I've worked with and been friends with gays my whole life (I've even shared hotel rooms with them when traveling on business to save money) and not a one has ever so much as glanced at me sexually. They're more repressed than women are, and that's hard to do in our puritanical society.

By the way the Daily Show clip meshes nicely with a Christian Science Monitor story (linked to in the comments at Pharyngula) about the personal obsession many fundamentalists and their pastors have with pornography, especially internet porn. It seems that fundies are disproportionately represented among the paying customers of web porn sites. I guess God lacks the power to control one's libido, even when one prays hourly. It also meshes with what I saw on the web some time ago that the countries with the most Google searches for porn are fundamentalist Moslem countries. Musing without data, me thinks there is something about fundamentalism that makes for unsatisfied males who seek outlets in unnatural ways.

If homophobes thought about old people the same way they thought about homosexuals then they would want to start banned all marriages involving people over 50 as well.

When normal people talk and interact with old people, they don't automatically start conjuring up images of their older friends' sex lives do they? So why do these homophobes think we all obsess about gay sex when interacting with gay people? It's just not natural!!

I'm not loving the current crop of Daily Show correspondents. Jason Jones is usually quite good but I saw all of these jokes coming from a mile away. The others I can mostly live without. Not a fan of Samantha Bee, Dan Bakkedahl, Lewis Black or Demetri Martin. John Hodgeman's still quite good though.

Matthew, no love for Ed Helms?

I enjoy Lewis Black and Samantha Bee occasionally, but I agree that the net talent of the TDS correspondent pool has taken a dip recently. How could it not of with the exodus of Steve Carrel, Steven Colbert, and Rob Coldry?

By College Progressive (not verified) on 20 Sep 2006 #permalink

I love John Jodgeman, and I think some of the new reporters like John Oliver are pretty funny as well. I do miss Rob Corddry and Colbert though. Those guys are just amazing.

College Progressive:

I forgot about Helms. I'd probably lump him with Jones and Hodgeman as a correspondent I mostly like. And I never really liked Colbert (still don't, really), but yes the other two, and the fact that they seem to spread out the segments to too many different correspondents, has hurt the show I think. I think the newer crew goes with absurdism too often, as opposed to the straight parody of the older correspondents.

John | September 20, 2006 02:35 PM

That Cameron quotation was published in the 1999 Rolling Stone article The Holy War On Gays, which is reproduced here. It's in the 3d to last paragraph. The man is weird, and that is probably one reason why he was kicked out of the American Psychological Association in the early 1980s.

It was hard to see Rob Corddry go, but what I think they're doing right now is screen-testing a lot of applicants to find someone who's great, rather than just okay. At least I hope so. They could stand to even out their diversity, too, rather than just be a show full of thirty-something white guys.

The thing I don't understand is, people like Cameron simply must know they will look like buffoons on the Daily Show. I mean, what did he win? How could you stand to sit there and be mocked by the Daily Show...why would you put yourself in that position. The martyr mentality of the right has been discussed here before and I couldn't help, but think that Cameron was playing the martyr to the big, bad Comedy Central.

By Russell Claus (not verified) on 21 Sep 2006 #permalink