More Anti-Gay Beatings

This one in New York. Guy goes into a gay chat room, gets to know a guy, arranges for a meeting. They meet, he drives the guy to a beach where 3 others are waiting for them. They beat the man viciously and chase him on to a highway, where he gets hit by a car and dies. Thankfully, they've been caught and should do some serious hard time.


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These are the kind of criminals that deserve to be put away. Premeditated and the intent was to cause injury as much as it was to actually rob someone.

How does someone justify in their minds this kind of attack? Even if you believe that being gay is sinful (a hateful and stupid belief) when did it become ok to attack someone for it?

Because, as Christopher Brookmyre so brilliantly pointed out in "Not the End of the World", once you've decided someone is going to hell it's a short and easy step to devaluing their life on earth.

Thats why I believe the concept of hell is one of the worst things humankind ever came up with