STACLU on the Election

You had to figure that the STACLU crowd would have an interesting, if predictably irrational, reaction to the election; they did not disappoint. It started with Glib Fortuna's predictions for the election, which were just a tad bit off:

Everyone is posting their predictions, so I guess I am obligated. My gut tells me that this won't be the big blowout the DemMedia Complex has been banking on. GOP holds Senate easily. The House comes out as a one or two seat majority either way.

You might wanna have that gut checked, the calibration seems to be off. Better yet, you might start thinking with your brain instead of your gut. And you might wanna take off those red-colored glasses.

Oak Leaf posted after the election with a delightfully wacky post in which he says that the Democrats must now pull out all troops not only from Iraq but from Afghanistan as well. Why? You got me. And he also says if they don't, they have blood on their hands. And this from a guy who enthusiastically supports the war in Iraq. Seriously, I'm not making it up. I'll prove it:

The Democrat Party in the House now has both the power, through appropriations, and the responsibility because of the election to bring all US Forces home from Iraq. I would personally argue and professionally argue that this pullout must be accompanied by a complete withdrawal from all of SW Asia including Afghanistan.

With their new majority, the Democrats now have tremendous responsibility. From this day forward, every soldier that perishes in SW Asia is blood on the hands of Speaker Pelosi until every soldier comes home.

See, he actually said it. With emphasis, no less. That's just plain unhinged.

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By Flying Fox (not verified) on 08 Nov 2006 #permalink

Bill Nelson (D) defeated Katherine Harris (R) in Pensacola by a million votes (2,844,459 to 1,797,229).

Clearly a victory for the terrorists.

That's nothing. The idiots over at Free Republic want to start demanding (today) from the Democrats why they haven;t caught Osama bin Laden yet.

The irony of Republicans even asking that question seems to be completely lost on them.


It's scary there are that many people who voted for Harris. How wacky does one need to be to NOT get votes in Florida?

Ed quoted STACLU as saying:

The Democrat Party in the House now has both the power, through appropriations, . . . to bring all US Forces home from Iraq.

While it is true that the House has the power of appropriations, didn't they just re-authorize a bunch of money to continue in Iraq? In that case, there's not a darn thing the Dems can do until that appropriation runs dry. [Any attempt to de-appropriate would be vetoed by Bush.]

Plus, last time I checked, the new Congress won't be seated until Jan 3. In the meantime, the current Congress remains in session, and given the overflow agenda, probably won't adjourn until just before Christmas.

Did they forget that Comander-in-chief thingy as well? Funny, it's been mentioned in every STACLU article concerning secrecy for the last several years. And the White House has already announced they're going to fight every Congressional oversight investigation on separation of powers grounds.

So how did everything become Nancy Pelosi's fault?


... How wacky does one need to be to NOT get votes in Florida?

Be the candidate for the Libertarian Party.

By Shawn Smith (not verified) on 08 Nov 2006 #permalink

Obviously, STACLU is invoking the tried and true moral philosophy of "It touched you last."

By Troublesome Frog (not verified) on 08 Nov 2006 #permalink

I still can't believe that 44 thousand people voted for a man who STRANGLED the woman he was having an affair with, and then paid her 500,000 dollars to shut up about it until after the election.

Are some Republicans REALLY that committed? :)

plunge wrote:

Are some Republicans REALLY that committed?

No, they just ought to be (committed, that is).

plunge -

I still can't believe that 44 thousand people voted for a man who STRANGLED the woman he was having an affair with, and then paid her 500,000 dollars to shut up about it until after the election.

Hello...doesn't that prove the guy was heterosexual? Now if he had kissed a guy, then they wouldn't vote for him.

I like this line from Jay ...

Just the news I needed to hear to complete my crappy day. I guess we could only stall Armegeddon for so long.

Ah yes, the signs of the Apocalypse...The Four Horseman (apparently A, C, L and U)...the seven seals...and featuring Nancy Pelosi as the antichrist!