Freethinker Sunday Sermonette: The Thing is . . .

A few days ago we brought you Word from Australia that Osama bin Laden had driven through several high security checkppoints on the way to Bush's hotel in Sydney, Australia. He just wanted to tell him it was "all a misunderstanding." Given the heavy security for Bush's visit, making it through these checkpoints was like a miracle.

Well, it turns out, sadly, it wasn't really a miracle. Osama wasn't really Osama, but a member of the cast of Australian Broadcasting's TV show, The Chasers. "The Miracle of the Checkpoints" just wasn't in the script of Australian security theater. But The Chasers haven't given up on miracles, and their quest took them to the source of all miracles, American Evangelical TV. Apparently Australia isn't advanced enough to have its own miracle technology, so it has to import it from the US. Here are some of the wares for sale in the US miracle bazaar, courtesy The Chasers (hat tip Brandon):


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Lawdy, Lawdy, Revere - you have made me see the light - where do I send the seed money?

Jeebus! That was one of the funniest damned skits (segment?) I've ever seen.

O'Leary: You can just send cash to me. We find that this is the fastest growing. We call it "Miracle Grow."

This is funny and sad at the same time.
Doesn't change the love for the God I know though. (which by the way doesn't even come close to what American Evangelicals are pushing).

The Chaser started out as an Australian parody-newspaper, similar to the Onion. See lots of good stuff at

By SmellyTerror (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink

I hope that you can now understand why Australia loves The Chasers.

Revere, I find it odd that there are so few comments on the Chaser take on American bible belt preachers. Your Sunday Sermonette usually causes a furore. Is the humour a little too close to home? Do Americans like to be fleeced of their money? Do Americans like being pushed to the ground? Does $1,000 get you closer to your God? I have so many questions.

I also find it fascinating watching these preachers, with their very expensive cloths, watches, jewelery, hair pieces (hin), shoes, cars, helicopters, extremely large homes etc. Just where does that money go? Does the IRS take any interest in these people at all? How much do these preachers pay themselves?

Sorry it should read (3rd paragraph) - end of fist line - clothes.

victoria; Maybe it has to do with the fact that PZ also loved it and not only linked to us (for which we thank him again) but also put the clip his site. Yes, The Chasers are great. I didn't know about them before the OBL prank so this was a welcome discovery.