Long Time Comin'

I'm glad I lived to see today. I've been a citizen of the United States for 66 years and I've never felt anything like it. Not because of the politics, since I suspect I will disagree with much of what the new President plans to do (not progressive enough for me), and not solely because the country elected a black man as President (although turning that page in our history is cause for celebration and huzzahs). It is not because Democrats beat Republicans, although I am glad for that, but Democrats have beaten Republicans before and it hasn't been like this. Nor is it because we will at last begin the process of repairing the colossal damage wrought by the Bush administration. It isn't even because, finally, the detested visage of George W. will be in our rear view mirrors. It feels as if a weight has been lifted. But it is not only that. These are all good things but they aren't what is so special about today.

This is the first time in my lifetime I can remember a feeling in the country I can only call "joyousness," the only word I can find to describe the faces of the choir in back of Bruce Springsteen at Sunday's inaugural gala on the Washington Mall, mirrored on the faces of everyone else on and off stage. The same in the inexhaustible "man in the street" interviews. It's neither simply hope nor just hope. It isn't just pride nor just patriotism (neither of them virtues in my book). People call it different things, but the one word that seems to sum it up is joyousness.

I'm glad I lived to see it. And to feel it.


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Yes, exactly. Friends in DC have been reporting in all weekend that it's like a party on the streets - people are so happy just to be there to witness this - and everyone I know feels just uplifted. Me too. Don't expect to be too productive today - tears might short out the keyboard...

ahh,joy. Worst recession/depression since 1929 ahead ...

That is truly the feeling, Revere. Now I know how the French must have felt, when the Allies liberated Paris; and how the Germans would have felt, when the Berlin Wall came down. Joyousness!

Oh Revere, you have hit the old nail right on the head! I am in a tiny hamlet in the profound countryside of France and I have been glued to the TV all day and to see the sun coming up on the US capital at the dawning of a new era and absolutely feel the joy and hope from America - it is truly a day I shall never forget. All around the world, as the time zones change, there are scenes of this joy. They are going mad in Kenya, Obama is dancing on big screens in Delhi, the French are wild about him and Michele has been embraced in their hearts. I am always fighting back tears, but sometimes just can't control them.

It has indeed been a long time coming and such a long time since Washington DC has kindled joy in this heart of mine.

Now it is onwards. And I do believe that this man will inspire the youth to take it from here...albeit, it is a long hard journey in store, but so far "Yes we can" has done wonders! WE ARE NOTHING IF WE CAN't DREAM!

This is very nice, but do not let down your guard by forgetting that the 22% deadenders are implacable in their hatred for everything that normal decent people value, and they will continue to try to destroy all of it.

Yes ComradePhysioProf, just witness the witless anon 3 posts ahead of you.

...and nonbelievers! Wow! I was moved to tears during the music, but this tops all!

Well folks, I plan to be vastly underwhelmed by Obama. I will set my goals low and lower as his administration plunders the wealth of one group, to just give it to another group. But what to do when the well runs dry? He has constantly moved that 250,000 income level down to now... You got it, 125,000 or abouts. Tax increases across the board and the AMT looms in two years... Gets EVERYONE and he gets to blame Congress. It ensures a Republican Senate for sure, maybe the House.

Then there are all the promises... Bet he gets to keep only about two or three. The reality of the situation continues to suck. Cant do all of that stuff without money and 2.5 trillion isnt going to do it. Remember, the Republicans BEGGED Congress to re-regulate Fannie and Freddie. They were called racists and that "there is nothing wrong".

Now this morning, BoA says they are going to need another 80 billion to meet the low end of the spectrum to stay afloat. RBS and the UK bank system may have to be nationalized. The US couldnt bail out Lehman Brothers because there was no money to do so and Pelosi and Franks deliberately ignored the problem. Franks gay lover worked fro Frank Raines. All of this is so interesting. But, we have the Obamagazm going on.

So what if it doesnt get any better. Carter had a recession, it dropped like a rock on government spending. Then, the interest rate climbed to 21.5% because government already spent too much. If indeed it happens as it did under Carter who had lower ratings than Bush when he left and continues to this day, then due to our current financial status, we will be finished as a nation. All money and jobs will move off shore as we green up and make Al Gore and Obama and his cronies rich. But at least it will be paper rich. What if those Arabs suddenly decide to quit taking that worthless crap we call money?

So we got Obama.

Again, how in Hell did we put two bozo's up for election to the highest office in a time when we need a great leader? We got a campfire girl and a guy whose claim to fame was that he got shot down and the crap beat out of him for six years. Okay, its a much better play to call him a hero and he is. But we got a community organizer and a RINO (Republican in Name Only). What the Hell happened here?

Obama is going to be dogged by Blago, Rezko and Rahm for the duration. If they turn a corner and make a connection it will finish Obama before he gets started. If they open a door they will impeach him. Remember, once you get an investigation going they can go anywhere and that includes the location of birth which hasnt been resolved to anyones satisfaction. Obama refuses to release the documents. Its the government, they never throw anything away-Unless you are Clinton and Sandy Berger hauls it out in his underwear and socks.

I'll tell you how we got to this point... Some of us are too stupid to vote, but we are allowed to regardless. Would McCain have made a better President? Again, I would have set my goals low and lower. We will regulate ourselves into a third world status in this Congress and this President. McCain might have stemmed it a bit, but WTF... my goals are low.

Its going to be a wild ride folks as Obama delivers on very little of what he has said he is going to do. Waterboarding might end, but not Gitmo. Unemployment benefits will be extended and continue extending for years to come. Unemployment? We will be ten months at least in the 7's and maybe 8's and it will rise to 9% or there abouts if they dont tinker with it too much.

Under Carter it was 12...See it has been worse. And then there is Pelosi and Waxman. Both need to go. Waxjob because he never saw an investigation that he wouldnt pursue, Pelosi because she says one thing and does another and another and another. Bovernment spending is out of control already and she wanted the taxpayers to fund another Air Force 1. Ah, just 300 million with all the fixtures. And its Pelosi. Hey how bout those equal rights out in Hawaii and American Samoa... You dont get minimum wage because they donated millions to her compaigns.

So, set your goals low. Support your President and hope that the Russian Bear or the Chinese Dragons dont get hungry during his administration. If he is stupid enough to try to negotiate with Iran then he is pissing up a rope. They have already obtained the materials they need to make several bombs and those centrifuges keep turning. We might have gone to Iraq to get perceived WMDS (How bout that yellowcake that was delivered to the Canadians for processing? Where did that come from?), but we will have to go to Iran to stop their little erector set of operations before long, or a great shining flash will kick off via the Israels.

Yep, the Messiah is in. Lets see if he delivers on 1/10th of the bullshit he said during his campaign to get elected. They all do it of course, but his was some of the finest horseshit I have ever smelled. McCain's was just a bit more tainted by the media, so he didnt get elected.

Greetings from the boonies Revere. God Bless American and Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States.

I wish him well.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink

Very, very nicely put, revere.

Maybe Herr Kurmudgeon and his anonymous friend are right, and the glimpse of sunlight we're seeing today will turn out to be merely a tease; like the brief clearing just before the last scene in "Perfect Storm". But it still feels pretty damn good today.

Part of Obama's message, for me, is that hope and courage and determination are closely related. Martin Luther King understood that. He understood that, like patriotism, power comes with responsibility. He spoke of the importance of beginning with four basic steps when attempting to right injustices: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct action.

The Bush administration's version of the first step was deliberate manipulation of intelligence to demonstrate that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction and had close relations with al-Qaeda. They then proceeded directly to step four. We are doing the self-purification now, and though there may be some painful aspects to that process, I believe we have picked the right man to lead us through that it.

It's been so long since we've had a leader who could speak coherently, let alone eloquently, that for some of us, it's going to take some getting used to -- and many of us seem to have long ago given up on ever seeing a president whose words not only evidence a genuine strength of fiber, but remind us that as a people, we have not yet exhausted that resource in ourselves.

Surprise, surprise. You, MRK, are proof that some things never change, no matter the administration.

Whether or not Obama makes good on more of his promises than you do in your appropriately cynical stinkbomb above remains to be answered, but we'll all pay close attention.

Yep, I am sorry that I am removed for a bit to the boonies so commenting is very limited. And you are right, things never change in DC. They just slip to the right or left a bit. No one has the hammer since Reagan. The conservatives always blow it by alienating the 6% that Obama won by. That will change by year two.

Revere I think is going to be in a hatin' mode by the time that rolls around on the anointed one. He wont be getting what he wants, there will be both Dems and Republicans demanding that the spending quit, else face 500 dollar a barrel oil. He will of course blame the Republicans for blocking all of the legislation. But the real Republicans who are center right of the country are solid in their beliefs and that is one of a limited government. Something we dont have under Bush and havent since Reagan. Those people always vote together, hang together and well when Obama and the left try to spend us to death, we will be waiting.

The problem with spending prosperity is that you have to spend more and more and its worthless paper chasing more worthless paper. No one is going to be around to pay the bills on this one folks, as such the Obamagazm will be over very quickly. I would say less than 100 days.

1459 days to go.....

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink

Randy: I don't think you quite understand what has happened. Maybe none of us do. But you seem to be of the opinion that nothing has changed. But it has and it doesn't have to do with left-right politics. There's a new generation in charge now and dinosaurs like you and me are irrelevant. I can't see the future so i don't know if it's good or bad but I I know it's different. The 21st century started today. It's in the hands of younger minds and spirits and what you think doesn't matter.

Revere, I feel joyous as well. For me it partially IS about race. The symbolism of the concert on MLK day, at the Lincoln memorial, celebrating the upcoming inauguration of our first African- American president? Well I am just beside myself.

I was born before the Voting Rights Act and lived my childhood during segregation. We have truly come a full lifetime of social progress today.

I too, know that Washington does not change profoundly overnight. I have tempered hopes, especially with all of our current troubles. I am just encouraged by the prospect of a return to reason over divisive propaganda.


You must have noticed that the party of 'big gov'munt' feckless spending on useless shit and interference with the freedoms of US citizens is the Republican Party.

Red states are a suck on the US economy remember?

And the other nice thing about electing people who are not homicidal religious maniacs is that US citizens won't get abused on the streets of civilised countries now or have to wear "Not my president" t-shirts.

Hey Revere, I think you are going to be terribly disappointed by what gets done or really what isnt. Its likely going to create a nanny government and when it collapses those people are going to be in deep shit. I think it was you who said that we could all pay more taxes just a scant ten months ago. I wonder if you still believe that? The ONLY way for this thing to work is for Obama to tax the crap out of everyone to take care of the non productives... That would include seniors. But your crap is in the wind in under 2 years. The bills will come due. That is unless we see a huge tax cut. Even Clinton figured that one out. Else the economy just sucks along like it did under FDR.

NM-No, I disagree. The feckless spending is for crap we dont need and that means that government has to get out of our lives. Think about it. If you dont have government programs (of any kind) they dont have a need to tax. They control us via taxes.

And if you are dumb enough to believe that red states are the only suck on our economy then you shouldnt be commenting.

Besides, Revere says that what I think doesnt matter. Thats okay, he belongs to that inclusive party.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink

Two things struck me as I watched today:

1. How impressive the orderly, non-violent transfer of power to a leader chosen by the people. I am proud to be American.

2. If I, as a white person, feel this incredibly liberation from the oppressive, repressive, juvenile past 8 years of record nonleadership, then how much more so the impact upon black Americans? Two hundred years of oppression in the past, and always some degree of it to expect in the future, yet such promise in this President.

I watched the swearing in ceremony from an orthopedic surgeon's office this morning (DH has a torn meniscus) and wanted to scream and run around in joy; an older black man there let out one, solitary, deeper-than-from-the-soul gasping sob. Only one, but from such depth it came. How much more his joy?

I agree with MRK that people are going to be disappointed but NOT for the same reasons. MRK in his usual right wing rant has failed to notice how the right are praising his picks for cabinet - no surprise if you do a little research. Obama speaks changed but acts so far business as usual. A fresh face, a larger lexicon, but the cabinet picks by and large say change will be cosmetic.

It always stuns me how people of intelligence and learning fall for good rhetoric. Democracy Now http://www.democracynow.org/ has doing a good job of examining the cabinet picks and exposing the really nasty history of some of them and the business as usual politics of others. Hope should be based on actions not on words. Enjoy your hope today, and then stash it away and check out reality and call Obama to fulfill your expectations immediately. Don't wait for him to disappoint you, it may be too late.

Just for instance

Obama Nominee Admiral Dennis Blair Aided Perpetrators of 1999 Church Killings in East Timor (Part II)

Part II of our conversation with investigative journalist Allan Nairn, who reveals Admiral Dennis Blair played a critical role in backing the Indonesian occupation of East Timor during the 1990s. At the height of a wave of ruthless attacks on Timorese that killed hundreds and displaced tens of thousands, Blair personally informed top Indonesian general, Wiranto, of unwavering US support. He continued to support the Indonesian military until international outcry forced the Clinton administration to withdraw its military and diplomatic backing.

It appears that all American Presidents (except maybe Reagan) left office disappointed in the goals that they did or did not achieve.

Obama is the man of the moment. He has the attention of not only America but the world. If he manages to achieve just 20% of his goals, he will be the greatest American President in history.

It is a brand new day for the world.

Congratulations America!

Revere: "Randy, [there's] a new generation in charge now and dinosaurs like you and me are irrelevant. I can't see the future so i don't know if it's good or bad but I I know it's different. The 21st century started today. It's in the hands of younger minds and spirits and what you think doesn't matter..." (January 20, 2009 4:01 PM)

Revere, I'm glad somebody has actually acknowledged the generational difference between President Obama and Bush as they stood together in Washington, D.C on this celebratory and historic day, the birth of 21st century GenX administrated America...

There's a large photographic art display outside the window of the Aussie library I'm writing this in. A particular image blew me away yesterday -- a "flock" of burned out Iraqi tanks sitting on a field of sand. The text beneath the emotional image discusses the amount of money (raw resources) required to create this destructive "male penis" testament to 20th century Babyboomer mindsets enacted by the dictator, Saddam Hussein and John Ross Ewing Dallas cowboy wannabes, George Bush senior and junior.

Revere, I don't fully agree with your criticism of Randy, "what you think doesn't matter" -- I do become drained by and "switch off" to his rhetorical 20th century military reminiscing... The "Good 'ol AmericanOz Boomer" fear of the "other"! Yes, we all feel unnerved from the changes seen since the 1970s -- pretty much all consumer products sold in the U.S and Oz, from clothing to electronics are manufactured in Mainland China, the country in which avian flu appears to be evolving toward H2H-H5N1 the fastest.

Randy is a Boomer who saw the end-point direction of avian flu very early in the piece. As a member of generation X, I take my hat off to him... He has acted in the best interests of the public with conviction and integrity these last few years (yes, UHC scares him, the old and tired "Commo" rubbish you Americans were media-brainwashed with...).

Revere, I do believe GenX Australian Health Minister Nicola Roxon would gain insight into the dire nature of avian flu -- and act accordingly -- following a chin wag with Randy:*)

It's dreadful, the slow "dripping tap" avian flu infections and deaths currently taking place in different regional areas of Mainland China. It's dreadful, but predictable. I'm sorry for these people. I'm sorry for their families... I'm sorry, but hardly shocked -- indeed, I feel like I felt back in 2003... Resigned to the inevitable script: drip, drip, (regional H5N1 clade evolution) drip, drip, (governments fail to take a military approach to pandemic prevention), drip, drip, (evolution of antiviral resistance develops as a significant issue), drip, drip, (governments in financial crisis fail to invest in alternative modes of public health avian flu treatments), drip, drip...

Re: prepandemic H5N1 vaccination as an early public health intervention -- especially, in light of recent global H1N1 tamiflu resistance protein mutation (H274Y) which could recombine with current or future H5N1 strains, causing these antivirals to be ineffective as an avian flu treatment.

I've repeatedly written to Nicola Roxon, Federal Australian Minister for Health and Ageing regarding this subject but to no avail. As an informed adult who has spent, over the last 8 to 9 years, thousands of hours educating myself on the intricacies of H5N1 evolution and pandemic prevention, I reasonably expect a degree of control over my own health choices -- the freedom to arrange with my GP, Dr Ric Chaney, to be vaccinated with Australia's CSL Panvax®, Avian Flu Vaccine.

Each of us are "stakeholders", attempting to keep both ourselves and our families safe...

CIDRAP News (Jun 17, 2008 ) -- "Australia approves CSL's H5N1 vaccine" by Robert Roos @ http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/panflu/news/jun1708v…

Excerpt: "Panvax can be used only when the Australian government officially declares that a flu pandemic is under way, CSL said in a news release. "In the event of a pandemic, CSL will rapidly gear up to manufacturing levels that will ensure all Australians have access to safe, effective coverage against avian flu," said Mary Sontrop, general manager of CSL Biotherapies, in the news release. The release quoted Australian Health Minister Nicola Roxon as saying, 'This places Australia in an excellent position in terms of its preparedness to manage an avian flu pandemic should one arise and should reassure all Australians...'"

I'm an Australian and believe me, I aint "reassured" -- how can intelligent people like Mary Sontrop and Nicola Roxon be so utterly complacent and shortsighted!?!

I want control over my body and be free to contact my GP and arrange to be vaccinated with Panvax®, Avian Flu Vaccine. This won't happen unless folk continue reminding our federal government to act now -- right now, while there's still time to calmly and efficiently utilize available public and private resources...

By Jonathon Singleton (not verified) on 20 Jan 2009 #permalink

Sorry for the communications problems folks. The connection breaks about every 2 minutes. So its got to be fast.

As for the above, speak for yourself Revere. I got Obama and his "generation" by only 5 years and if the kid does good and steers his left-wing agenda to the center he will find many Republicans waiting there along with a crap load of centrist Democrats to welcome him. Roads and bridges are going to be used by what? Shiney new roads, but no cars on them.

Obamas election isnt a mandate from the people. Roughly 1/2 of the voters disagrees with his election, but maybe not the man. Surely he understands that. Clinton didnt. He has issues that are unresolved in my mind. Such as producing the original birth certificates. That may be the Dems way of holding him out there to dump him if something happens. Then they get a REAL left winger in the form of Joe Biden.

Remember, the Rezko investigation isnt over and Blago and his wife both might turn dime for a reduction in time. Thats for the courts to decide. But I can assure you that BHO had better have his game on or this recession will be a depression and its not of the Republicans making. Some 12 instances including in the Barney Franks and Maxine Waters hearings they were told that Fannie and Freddie were in deep shit. They were called racists by Waters because Frank Raines was black. Personally I want him indicted for cooking the books. Funny, he is now one of Obama's senior financial advisors. Leon Panetta for CIA. Hillary for SecState. I hear Mickey Mouse is getting an Ambassadorship to "repair our image in the world." Yeah right.

Obama should have spent about a million bucks on his party yesterday. They gave the Republicans hell for spending about 80 back in the last election. So now its 170 million ...For a goddamn party! Since its the District of Columbia, you and I picked up the bill for all of the government services brought to bear. We always have.

K and I rarely agree. This is one of them. Change you can believe in? Bullshit. WE are giving money to the very same people who put us into this mess. The same insiders are calling the shots. BOA wants another 80 billion dollars as of yesterday....And the progressives are in an Obamagazm thinking that this guy is going to pull us out of this mess that was created by the Democrats leading all the way back to Carters days.

At what point in time does this stop?

When the financial system collapses, thats when. I would say we are pretty close to that now.

I will watch as Obama is manipulated by Dirty Harry and Pelosi across the next two years. Yep only two because by then the people will have already had enough. That 6% that put him in will melt away like the suggested GW of the Antarctic.

But, set your expectations low and you wont be dissapointed.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

This post is basically because a black man was elected President MRK. This is great however, the warm and fuzzy feeling people are having will wear off soon.
The Obama Honeymoon is over now.
Save your energy MRK and return to the U.S. safely please.

Lea: You are wrong. It has less to do with race than it has to do with generational change. Randy represents the corpse of the 20th century. It is gone. Obama is irrelevant to that. It had already happened. He is just the visible part. It's a new world and your views and Randy's (and probably mine) are no longer that important. I'm glad.

Well I got to skidoodle folks, I am out for a little night ride into the back country in about 30 mins and we have to fly upcountry to get to the back country. But here is the deal Revere. I am not unhappy that a black man was elected but screw it, he IS supposedly an American and thats all I give one big rats butt about. He is the President of the US and by God everyone had better support him in the issues that we agree upon.

But for the other, he is a liberal and way left of center one at that. He has funneled money improperly in my opinion to friends and political contributors. If you think that that is CHANGE then sorry your definition is different from mine. Kind of sounds like the evening news for the last 53 years of my life. Generational Change? Shit Revere, we ARE the generation. Screw the kids... WE outnumber them 12 to 1... You think we are going to see change simply because someone below the age of 50 was elected? Look at the goobs that he is putting in. The same assholes that got us into this mess are just being elevated into higher levels of power.

Its not that he is black. Screw it... As far as I am concerned he is an American (as long as he can prove it), and he had better get up off his ass and rein in that Congress. We are in the biggest crisis since the Cuban Missile gig and those bozo's can only come up with yet another damned investigation into Bush policies that will spend millions of dollars and produce absolutely NOTHING except animus towards Obama.

The country needs to get fixed. Lets start with indictments against Frank Raines for cooking the books. Next, get the interest rates down so low, zero if necessary to get people spending and taking a chance. Then create incentives for long term savings. That will fix the banks. Back stop it with an automatic tax increase in 3 years (no earlier) across the board for ALL Americans. That includes the poor who havent paid taxes in this country in over 70 years. But, rebate it as increases to states for indigent healthcare. Not assisted government care. And finally, for god sakes get off of the corporation taxes. Windfall taxes.. For Christ's sake. If you went out and won the lottery you would have to be looking for the Congress to stick it up your tail. They tax, they spend, they create government jobs that require more and more taxes to maintain those little blood suckers. They take it away from schools, roads and everything else that government should be doing so that some uneducated and very unqualified person will have a job or a home or both. Think not? Walk into any government office and talk to the first person you meet thats sitting behind a desk. They are not the brightest bulbs in the world. They couldnt hold a job for long in the private sector. Thats grossly unfair in some cases, but all they DO IS SHUFFLE PAPER!
What the community reinvestment act did was set the stage for the meltdown that has happened. Subprime-How about too stupid and too poor to qualify but GOVERNMENT said that YOU should have a home. Bush only stated the obvious. Home ownership was at an all time high. What he didnt say was that personal debt was at an all time high as well. Now we get to have GOVERNMENT telling us how much money we can make, where we will spend it (Obama 1040 form... just send it in) , and absolutely no change in what got us here. Even Clinton said at the end of his term that Freddie and Fannie needed to be re-regulated. The guy delivering the message was called a racist. McCain called it 2.5 years ago.

The economy is in a shambles because we cant make anything here any longer because of litigation, or the food police, or the healthcare police, or the school police and above all we have the thought police. Our civil liberties have been downgraded by a Democrat Congress and a Republican President. The backlash is starting already and Obama is going to be the recipient in the mid-term elections. He will deal with a highly pissed off crowd in a very short order because he isnt going to change one damned thing. Not with Pelosi and Dirty Harry in charge.

Healthcare-You were probably not aware that the Dutch HC system has collapsed. They havent paid their doctors for the better part of a year. They gave the locals the ability to tax to pay for UHC, and they did. It shut down their economy. The UK is about to move to "basic care" healthcare because they cant afford it any longer. You and others would have us move towards it in a pell mell run. Obamanitic ? Progressive? More like the people paying the bills will be progressively broke and the people who do no work, dont even attempt it get the benefits of our labors. Money in the governments pocket to direct to people that will vote them in and in and in again because they turn the paying americans into their serfs. Thats pure crap. He aint Lincoln, Kennedy (not even Ted Kennedy) and his own shortcomings will be showing up pretty quick.

But, this is Obama's 100 days. First thing out of the box like Clinton? Gays in the military. One HIV gay or hetero places other people at risk in a combat situation. Its not a right to serve in the military,its a criteria. I would not like to get shot then have someone splattered that had HIV in my unit. What? They join the military to have a VA disability after they get AIDS? The DoD gets the happiness of having to pay one million per patient a year for everyone that has it. Oh, this is GREAT THINKING, done by GREAT THINKERS.

So THESE GUYS think that with all of the crap thats going on that gays, Bush investigations, Gitmo, and waterboarding are the BIG ISSUES. Sorry, but my views about the country put those at the DEAD BOTTOM LAST! You cant even bring this stuff up if the country falls apart in the meantime...

WE needed a leader and J. McCain wasnt it. Obama is certainly no leader and they are going to pick him apart like a two dollar watch.

By year two he will be finished because his own ineptitude is going to shine through very quickly. I am like Jonny S., I can see more than the people in front of me. I see whats about to happen and any issue other than the economy that distracts the Congress, Obama and his staff is pure bullshit. Jonny is gay. He's a good cricket and I like him. But I wouldnt want to serve in the military with him. Not because he is gay, but because of the unknowns of his health status at any given moment. Gays are fierce fighters from seeing them in combat. You can get HIV from anywhere hetero or homo, but combat is hard enough without having that coming down the trail at you too.

Well my ride is here... Happy Hunting to me. Another two weeks and back to the States. If this doesnt format properly, sorry. Its done on word and pasted in and sent in a burst to the server. It doesnt stay up long enough to make a true connection.

Again God Bless the President and the United States of America.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 21 Jan 2009 #permalink

I echo your sentiments. There was something most joyous about the occasion that seems unparalleled by prior inaugurations.

Yes, very lovely Inauguration that cost us 'no longer important' tax payers $170 million dollars.

Lea: Cost of Obama's inauguration = $45 million. Cost of Bush's (comparable expenses) = $40 million. Inflation. You figures include all the security which are not part of the accounting for the Bush inauguration.

Your author profile tag doesn't work revere.

319 days
Start Date: March 6, 2008
End Date: January 19, 2009

March 6, 2008

The CDC Great Lakes report fiasco
Category: CDC .......
Posted on March 6, 2008 4:57 PM, by revere

First paragraph: We don't especially like being anonymous on this blog but we feel it is prudent given the retributive nature of this administration. We don't care that much ourselves as we are pretty well established. But we worry that our students, our colleagues and our institution will become collateral damage in retribution for things we say here. It's not just that we read about this stuff in the news.


Last paragraph: Meanwhile the Reveres will remain anonymous, at least for the next 319 days. ........

Obama got millions of dollars in small ($50 or so each) contributions from people like me. His slogan is "Yes WE Can!" not "Yes I Can". It is all about we the people of the USA, not oil and big business and one bought and paid for leader.

Obama's administration will either work or fail based on whether we the people get with the program and each do our part. We did it during his campaign, giving small donations, calling our neighbors, helping where we could. If we continue to work together we can do anything.

The MRKs of the world think only of themselves and can't believe that we will donate our time, money and efforts for the better good of the world. Let's prove them wrong. America has a HUGE history of helping our neighbors, donating though churches and other charities, and getting the job done. Our government was built for us, and now it is coming back closer to its roots.

More like "Yes, WE Can" collect money from off shore of the US Bones, Soros saw that money train flowed very well. Tons more money was collect than when Clinton did it.

Yep, you gave a typically trying argument. You make statements like you know me. Never met you Bones and I would expect that you respect that the very slight majority of voters put Obama in, its not a mandate. Bonehead Clinton made that statement in his first election, again very thin margins for him and Bush throughout.

Not a Reagan landslide. Nor did it translate to a veto proof majority. So that puts you in the wrong on that statement. In fact, the Dems are trying their Palm Beach County games in Minnesota. They might get this one. But allowing illegal voters to vote is typical of the Democrats. Its what you can expect from people that following the law isnt big on their agenda. The usual, oh well that just doesnt fit our needs so we use the courts and friendly judges to bend the wind. Lets hope that this doesnt happen as a steady diet.

Again you make statements like you know me. I only think of myself. You make a pretty big statement based upon what? I can guarantee you that I would put my recored on that up against yours any day. Everything from rescue mission, military service and where I am now this very day. Its early and I just got back in from the boonies. Kicking ass, taking names and I putting in a load of pipe for a well for the next couple of hours.

The US-We have a huge history of BUYING OFF THE NATIONS of the world with aid. We send them money and food. Some of them, especially Iran should be cut off from aid and specifically I mean food and medical. All of this butt-kissing is coming to an end as our ability to influence them has gone out the window with the money value. We have been sold down the river by Clinton, to a lesser degree Bush.

We gave Indonesia 500 million bucks...They, for the record stole it and said as much on their national TV. "Its only 20%, whats the problem."

The reason the US is losing influence in the world isnt anything more than our currency has lost its power. Basic world politics. We have no GDP and Obama is the leader of the free world for better or worse and he had better not allow or even try business as usual.

Forget the horsesht and get that economy on track. I was raising unshirted Hell for a year as I saw what was coming and it was of both parties making, but mostly Democrats. They wouldnt acknowledge the wave that was coming even when warned repeatedly. Again, Obama needs to be center and he has already leaned hard left with two very important policiies. Gitmo is one. Gays in the military are the others.

Yep, the fires are burning and he is fiddling already. Sounds like Carter to me. He has EVERY opportunity to turn it to the center. He stays on this left wing far fringe stuff and we are done. Dont know how old you are, but when a like minded President did that and we didnt roar in and kick the shit out of the Iranians for taking our people in 79, we lost our edge. We didnt and still dont protect our citizens. Now we got a guy who will negotiate with terrorists and thinks that putting gays in the military is THE BIG ISSUE? But that will play out soon enough... Maybe with a mushroom cloud?

"And for the better good of the world"? That sounds like one of those left wing thought processes that always, always end with a war of some kind because they were just too stupid to see the other end of the rainbow... It ends with a cliff. You guys keep saving people that only by OUR efforts can they ever survive. Then when OUR abilities to pay for their food, medicines, and healthcare end. They die in droves. The UN couldnt buy food in July because it cost too much. Then they DEMANDED more money. Socialist world bullshit. 7 billion people in 3 years pal. Who is going to feed them? You willing to buy them off yet again? Wheres the money going to come from? Its okay, Revere says we can all afford to pay more taxes so they can feed them and make more mouths to feed that end up in disastrous human kills every 3-5 years now rather than the 8-10 of the 1960's to 90's. Yep, save the world. Obama is da man!

Three strikes and you are out. Obama has just done one. We will have to wait and see but if the economy doesnt turn, his own party will do the Rezko thing or something like it and impeach him to preserve power. Hillary becomes Veep.

Government is built for us? WE are the government and we are allowing it to control our lives.

End the spend. We have OUR children to think of.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 22 Jan 2009 #permalink

Wait if, as you say MRK, we are the government, and it is controlling our lives... then that means that we are controlling our own lives. Nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned.

Sorry for bringing a little logic to your world. It helps if you really think about what statements like "the government is the people" mean, or look up "social contract". Might make you reviewing your knee-jerk reaction against government.

Ah who am I kidding.

In any case, we'll see if Obama can really change things for the better. These recent days have made it seem like he's got a shot. Let's hope he does, or else we're screwed.

It is a joy to see youngsters involved.

On the radio after the Inauguration here I heard that kids are showing up at school bus stops and at school who rarely have appeared. I hope the teachers are ready and willing.

I REALLY hope the school systems can get it together to bring these kids up to speed to move into this government.

"... It appears as if the tide of mental faculties flowed as far as it could in certain channels, and then forsook its course, and arose in others.... It appears to general observation, that revolutions create genius and talents; but those events do no more than bring them forward. There is existing in man, a mass of sense lying in a dormant state, and which, unless something excites it to action, will descend with him, in that condition, to the grave. As it is to the advantage of society that the whole of its faculties should be employed, the construction of government ought to be such as to bring forward, by a quiet and regular operation, all that extent of capacity which never fails to appear in revolutions....
... When the mind of a nation is bowed down by any political superstition in its government ... it loses a considerable portion of its powers on all other subjects and objects....
... that which we ought to conceive government to be, is no more than some common center in which all the parts of society unite."

Thomas Paine -- The Rights of Man

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 23 Jan 2009 #permalink