Freethinker Sunday Sermonette: taking the Bible out of context

In our Freethinker Sermonette two weeks ago about all the other stuff in Leviticus that seems to get forgotten when the passage about homosexuality being an abomination is highlighted, some readers thought it was unfair to take this stuff out of its historical context. Atheism has no severer critic than Mr. Edward Current, and he directly addresses this anti-Christian practice in this YouTube video, "Bible out of context":

Mea culpa, Mr. Current.

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Scrubbing bubbles!

"Talking snake? Let's just not go there..."

microdot and EM readers: The Brain Police is one of my (few) daily reads. I saw your post and I clipped it for my own nefarious purposes. It was a great post and the substance is hilarious. EM readers of the Sermonette should go read it and everyone should read BP daily. It will keep your brain in line, legal and law abiding. I know it's done that for my brain. That's why I'm going to steal your post (but I'll leave a note saying I did it!).

What about the talking donkey? Religious people REALLY don't want to go there. But it's in there. Numbers 22:28

By SouthernFriedSkeptic (not verified) on 28 Dec 2009 #permalink