How to make an iPad float

Add milk and ice cream:

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That guy has the best job ever.

But... such a waste of technology.

Nothing like angry people on the internet to amuse me :p

HandGelGeek: Because he is selling blenders. This is very cheap (and clever) advertising.

Too true. Direct your anger at the scores/hundreds of self-indulgent people who feel it's necessary to spend $400 (for the base model, over $1000 for the deluxe) on a blender that can destroy an iPad. If they didn't exist, then there'd be no need for this type of viral advertising.

I don't get HandGelGeek's objection and suggest that he should direct his anger at regular iPad users, if anyone at all, rather than this guy. This guy's use of the iPad probably caused more happiness and pleasure molecules to come into being in the world overall through a funny and much seen video than most other people's use of it for self-entertainment (i.e. even if this video only increased my happiness and pleasure level incrementally, when taking all viewers into consideration, the total increase is probably huge, more so overall than the more substantial increase one person with one iPad would increase the total average happiness and pleasure level). Besides, the money he paid is probably still in circulation and might very well end up in charity at some point. Instead of complaining at this guy, which is futile, maybe you should write to apple and tell them that they should use the money received for this particular iPad for charity? That could at least conceivably do something good.

Since this is a public health blog, I feel compelled to note that if Blender-Guy really blended an entire iPad, battery and all, I would expect what was left in the blender at the end to be a toxic, lithium-infused mess... I would think he should at least have been wearing some kind of a filter mask.

Alex R.: He mentioned it himself and so have others. I could have but didn't because I thought it kind of obvious and I didn't need to warn anyone else that was thinking of blending their iPads (the empty set).

If, only if, IPad is a Collective Memory, then it can float coz,

America: The Grim Truth
Posted in Truth by lancefreeman

Americans, I have some bad news for you:

You have the worst quality of life in the developed world â by a wide margin.

If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia, youâd be rioting in the streets calling for a better life. In fact, the average Australian or Singaporean taxi driver has a much better standard of living than the typical American white-collar worker.

I know this because I am an American.

I have lived all around the world, in wealthy countries and poor ones, and there is only one country I would never consider living in again: The United States of America. The mere thought of it fills me with dread.

Consider this: you are the only people in the developed world without a single-payer health system. Everyone in Western Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand has a single-payer system.

If they get sick, they can devote all their energies to getting well.

If you get sick, you have to battle two things at once: your illness and the fear of financial ruin. Millions of Americans go bankrupt every year due to medical bills, and tens of thousands die each year because they have no insurance or insufficient insurance. And donât believe for a second that rot about America having the worldâs best medical care or the shortest waiting lists: Iâve been to hospitals in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Singapore, and Thailand, and every one was better than the âgoodâ hospital I used to go to back home. The waits were shorter, the facilities more comfortable, and the doctors just as good.

This is ironic, because you need a good health system more than anyone else in the world.

Why? Because your lifestyle is almost designed to make you sick.

Letâs start with your diet: Much of the beef you eat has been exposed to fecal matter in processing. Your chicken is contaminated with salmonella. Your stock animals and poultry are pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics. In most other countries, the government would act to protect consumers from this sort of thing; in the United States, the government is bought off by industry to prevent any effective regulations or inspections. In a few years, the majority of all the produce for sale in the United States will be from genetically modified crops, thanks to the cozy relationship between Monsanto Corporation and the United States government. Worse still, due to the vast quantities of high-fructose corn syrup Americans consume, fully one-third of children born in the United States today will be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at some point in their lives.

Of course, itâs not just the food thatâs killing you, itâs the drugs.

If you show any sign of life when youâre young, theyâll put you on Ritalin. Then, when you get old enough to take a good look around, youâll get depressed, so theyâll give you Prozac. If youâre a man, this will render you chemically impotent, so youâll need Viagra to get it up. Meanwhile, your steady diet of trans-fat-laden food is guaranteed to give you high cholesterol, so youâll get a prescription for Lipitor. Finally, at the end of the day, youâll lay awake at night worrying about losing your health plan, so youâll need Lunesta to go to sleep.

With a diet guaranteed to make you sick and a health system designed to make sure you stay that way, what you really need is a long vacation somewhere. Unfortunately, you probably canât take one. Iâll let you in on little secret: if you go to the beaches of Thailand, the mountains of Nepal, or the coral reefs of Australia, youâll probably be the only American in sight. And youâll be surrounded crowds of happy Germans, French, Italians, Israelis, Scandinavians and wealthy Asians. Why? Because theyâre paid well enough to afford to visit these places AND they can take vacations long enough to do so. Even if you could scrape together enough money to go to one of these incredible places, by the time you recovered from your jetlag, it would time to get on a plane and rush back to your job.

If you think Iâm making this up, check the stats on average annual vacation days by country:

Finland: 44
Italy: 42
France: 39
Germany: 35
UK: 25
Japan: 18
USA: 12

... and it goes on

Revere is a Public Athéist and I always respected that, because not only Revere has reduced morbidity and mortality but at the same time he is a

I am a FaithFull person, therefore very stubborn

Revere is better in his stubborness than me, lol, he has more expérience. That is the way it works, period.

He is a headlight, period.

Here is the ref. Revere, can you share your thoughts on this analysis.

As always, Great Thanks


Singapore has a single payer system?