If they didn't want to know, they shouldn't have asked. In 2003 Congress passed a bill creating the Citizens' Health Care Working Group. The bill was the infamous Medicare prescription drug "benefit." The Working Group was something else. They just recommended universal health coverage. "Assuring health care is a shared social responsibility," says the interim report of the Citizens' Health Care Working Group, a 14-member committee that went to 50 communities and heard from 23,000 people. The committee describes its recommendations as a framework. The recommendations don't say who would pay…
Welcome to our new house at ScienceBlogs. We trust our old readers had no trouble with the directions to get here. You can wander off to the kitchen and fix yourself a drink while we introduce ourselves to our new neighbors. We describe EM as a forum for argument and discussion about progressive public health ideas, which both sums it up and probably doesn't tell you much. "Progressive" is a code word for being on the Left. This is a lefty political blog (and a Koufax Award Finalist for Best Expert Blog; PZ took the honors in that category, and deservedly so). The argument and discussion part…