Eruptions is moving!

Big news from Eruptions (and me.)

Eruptions has always been an evolving space - it started as a little side project on Wordpress that has grown over the last two-and-a-half years into a community of volcano enthusiasts. The blog has drawn over 2.5 million views and 1.5 million visits since I started it in May of 2008 - which, to me, is mindblowing - and I thank of all your for that. I also thank ScienceBlogs for helping more people find the blog over the last 18 months that I've been lucky to be hosted here.

However, with all things, change is sometimes needed. I'm not going to go into the details of my decision, but starting TODAY, Eruptions is moving to a new home -

Update all your bookmarks and feeds!

This wasn't an easy decision for me, but hopefully all of you will see that it is the right decision for Eruptions - so please join me over at the new site.

And remember, you can follow Eruptions on Twitter as well - @eruptionsblog - to keep up with all the volcano news.

Thanks again to ScienceBlogs ... and here's to the future!

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Thank you for your time here, and seeing you on the new space tomorrow then!


By Carl on Packin… (not verified) on 01 Sep 2010 #permalink

Carl! I meant moving TODAY (September 1) - I've fixed the post ... but I had initially meant to post this yesterday and forgot to change it. Head on over today!

I'm allready there;)

Newly Bowdlerized name and all. But something went wrong with the image-wiever over there, my noose became huge, me ears gargantuan and where did all that fur come from?

By Carl Le Strange (not verified) on 01 Sep 2010 #permalink

Now duly bookmarked. Nice eruption plume you've got to head up the item: is it Redoubt?

sad thing :/
no comments without to register.

Bye Bye comments :/

@Dennis 5, and anyone else who's hesitating - no need to use anything but what you have been using, it works OK with 'first' (whatever) name only filled in - no other info. than what they take here, e-maill address. Hope you stay. Looks different over there, works a bit differently, but hey - not willing to give up on this great gang and all the volcanoes.

By birdseyeUSA (not verified) on 01 Sep 2010 #permalink

This was kind of expected...

Bye bye scienceblogs. thing I like about Scienceblogs is that you just pop up on my facebook...any way to do that from the new site? I only saw Twitter, and I could "like" specific articles, but I didn't see any way to sign up for it sending Eruptions automatically to my Facebook feed. Do you have a Facebook page?

By ChaosAngel (not verified) on 01 Sep 2010 #permalink

Can't register.

I allowed a tracking cookie for, but can't register ... I guess the site demands I allow sleazy tracking cookies from all the other cross-tracking 3rd party sources listed there ...,,

Man, that sucks.

I'm not allowing all that tracking and cross-tracking shit.

Bye Eruptions

By Bye Eruptions (not verified) on 01 Sep 2010 #permalink

@10: Huh, I haven't heard about this problem from anyone else (and I don't think I had the problem registering).

@Erik, newer Safari (mac) automatically disallows 3rd party cookies - but it may be if you normally disallow most cookies it won't work for windows or non-mac? I collect a big string of bt cookies each time I move around on the new eruptions blog.

By birdseyeUSA (not verified) on 01 Sep 2010 #permalink

@12: I'll look into it ... I do see the BT related cookies, but they don't seem any more nefarious than the SB cookies, but I am using the newest version of Safari. Ah, the fun of moving.

Ahhh... the beauty of linefeeds.

Very nice....

hi all well a new site i just join looks very good

@ Erik Klemetti just wondering with your consent if i can download your pictures/photos along with your picture of you as a front cover of these photos of volcanoes from this to put into my photo album along with title name under 'Eruption'with Eruptions web site address at the bottom of the photo's in my climate/weather facebook for others to see only started building this profile facebook up last week due the Atlantic hurricanes which gave the idea of doing this i have three other links with my site who like the idea which are Storm The northeast Quadrant,and Devin Mathew Toporek-The weather vein i be taking no credit for these as they are name by the owner with their website address underneath each photo or picture so if someone has a look and think that a good photo and want more info they can click the website and it would take then to photo's website

I will miss this very open and easily read blog-site and its community of enthusiasts. Thank you all for having shared so much interesting and knowledgeable information, and thank you, Erik.

@ Erik Klemetti - you know that caption for that pic of Seulawah Agam in your new site? Well, it should read "Top left: A May 2007 shot of Seulawah Agam on the island of SUMATRA in Indonesia. Photo by Michael Thirnbeck." Sorry about Sumatra being in caps - had to point out the error. Aceh is a special territory of Indonesia, not a separate island. Seulawah Agam, however, does lie in Aceh.

Anyhow, I will miss seeing the old site, but look forward to a great future. I love seeing new volcanoes I had never heard of dish up some eruptions!

By MK, Alberta (not verified) on 02 Sep 2010 #permalink

"all from the tablets and medicines can only provide you with a temporary boost and in the finish what you get is often a waste of money plus the same measurement penis when you initial began with, i do not think losing your funds on that's even really worth it seriously."

The northeast Quadrant,and Devin Mathew Toporek-The weather vein i be taking no credit for these as they are name by the owner with their website address underneath each photo or picture so if someone has a look and think that a good photo and want more info they can click the website and it would take then to photo's website