sa smith

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Stacey Smith

I'm a graduate student studying the molecular and biochemical evolution of HIV within patients and within populations. I also study epigenetic control of ERVs.

Posts by this author

August 10, 2011
Obviously, my first post on Antibodies: Evolution in action isnt the whole story, cause otherwise we would only have... like... eight different antibodies... :-/ Thats obviously not the case. Weve got lots and lots and lots of antibodies that recognize lots and lots and lots of different things!…
August 9, 2011
It gets lonely here in virus town. Its like me... and Vincent... and... me... So Im always happy to stumble across another virology blag, especially ones written by fellow grad students! Rule of 6ix :uncovering the science behind viruses, vaccines and what it means for us Bamford doesnt post super…
August 8, 2011
EMAIL! (technically, a paraphrased really great question from someone at FreeOK!) Dear ERV-- Is there any reason why I, a young healthy adult, really *need* to get the flu shot every year? Even if I do get the flu, wont that just make my immune system stronger? Blech. Flu shots. Every damn…
August 4, 2011
This is, quite possibly, the biggest science journalism fail in the history of ever. IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. *heavy sigh* OKAY, when we discover new drugs and antivirals and such, we usually dont build these pharmaceuticals from scratch. We steal them from evolution, and try to make them *better*…
August 2, 2011
EMAIL! Dear ERV-- If I work with kids who are not immunized and I get pregnant, is my fetus at risk? This is a question I got from an audience member post-FreeOK, and it was too good not to share with everybody!! First, a disclaimer I dont normally have to state-- I iz not an MD, I am an…
August 1, 2011
I did a little experiment on the audience at FreeOK on Saturday (will be posted when The Thinking Atheist gets it up! Should be good quality, hes got all kinds of fancy stuff/tricks!). *squint* It wasnt really a matter of 'will they get this?', cause atheists/skeptics/freethinkers are smart. It was…
July 29, 2011
Just in case you missed it on Sunday, you can now download/stream my talk on HIV-1 with Skeptically Speaking! #122 HIV and AIDS BONUS: This recording includes a chat with Dr. Peter Leone on HPV too!
July 29, 2011
Me, about three weeks ago: Super Awesome influenza antibodies: Slightly more helpful than Super Awesome HIV antibodies This morning: Scientists hail the prospect of a universal vaccine for flu One antibody to bind them all-- An antibody that recognizes all strains of influenza A could be a…
July 27, 2011
This has been out for some time, but I was just linked to it by my Facebook friend, Brian-- a really cool model of HIV-1, inside and out, based off of "more then 100 latest scientific publications in the fields of virology, X-ray analysis and NMR spectroscopy. The depicted spatial configurations of…
July 26, 2011
Dear Hollywood-- GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! Might suck. Might be an awesome combination of 'Evil Dead'/'Army of Darkness' and 'Sean of the Dead'. We shall see. *putsonmybadasscapejustincase*
July 26, 2011
One of my very first memories was chicken pox. I was like 3 years old-- I had these damn itchy spots on my stomach, so I was standing in front of the kitchen sink, showing them to my mom like "WTF???" Mom: Oh honey, youve got chicken pox! Me: But I dont *WANT* chicken pox. (eyes welling up with…
July 21, 2011
I suck! Desiree Schelle has been trying to get me on Skeptically Speaking since, like, last December, and I keep getting busy and putting it off and then I was like "GHA I SUCK NAME A DATE!" So Im going to be on her show this Sunday to talk about HIV-1! We record live with Abbie Smith on Sunday,…
July 20, 2011
The simplest, simplest definition of evilution: Change over time. Your children are different from you. You are different from your parents. Your parents are different from their parents. And so on and so on and so on. But if Person A is older than you and has different DNA, that doesnt…
July 19, 2011
Part I: HPV Part II: Measles Part III: More Measles Its July 18th. A little over half-way into 2011. And in Ethiopia, about 18,000 people have gotten measles, with a touch over 100 dead. There has also been an outbreak in Somali refugee camps in Kenya, with almost 500 sick and 11 dead. Meanwhile…
July 15, 2011
NOOOOO!!! ALL HOPE IS LOST!!! Gov. Fallin is asking Oklahomans to turn to a higher power this Sunday, July 17, 2011 and pray for rain. "I encourage Oklahomans of all faiths to join me this Sunday in offering their prayers for rain," Fallin said. "For the safety of our firefighters and our…
July 13, 2011
This is why we need science blogs like Tomorrows Table, Biofortified, GMO Pundit, and James and the Giant Corn**. "I'm sick of being treated like a dumb Mum who doesn't understand the science. As far as I'm concerned, my family's health is too important. GM wheat is not safe, and if the Government…
July 13, 2011
For some reason, I thought a potential side-effect of flu vaccines was Guillain-Barre syndrome. I mean, its super super rare, but I thought that was a stock-standard potential adverse event. Apparently, thats not the case-- whether Guillain-Barre syndrome is an actual side-effect of influenza…
July 12, 2011
Despite his apparent random and brief moments of lucidity, I cant say Im a 'big fan' of Oklahoma senator and physician Tom Coburn (click here to read his completely insane 'analysis' of HIV/AIDS). He says hes 'PRO-LIFE' yet he held up funds for HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention in Africa because…
July 11, 2011
*heavy-sigh* HIV Research World is infecting other fields: A Highly Conserved Neutralizing Epitope on Group 2 Influenza A Viruses Media coverage of referenced paper: Discovery of Natural Antibody Brings a Universal Flu Vaccine a Step Closer No, it doesnt. Unless if by 'universal flu vaccine' you…
July 7, 2011
I have written quite a bit about Cytotoxic-T-Cell-based HIV-1 vaccines here on ERV. Though antibodies can target HIV-1 viruses, and HIV-1 infected cells, CTLs should be the go-to workhorses for killing HIV-1 infected cells. Pimped-up Souped-up Bionic Assassin Lethal Weapon Killer T-Cells as a…
July 6, 2011
Nef. The bane of my existence for some time now. I dont talk much about my research here, but its safe to say I consider myself an inventor who works in virology. People say "Damn. Its so hard to do ___. I wish there was an easier way..." and Im like "... I can do that." Gimme a plasmid, a primer…
July 3, 2011
Thanks to PZ for the format/inspiration! Be self-aware. You are the speaker in a room filled with dozens, hundreds, thousands of people. Especially at atheist/skeptic conferences, we are all very interesting people, but out of those dozens/hundreds/thousands of people who could have been chosen…
July 1, 2011
If there is one thing that terrifies me as a blogger, its noticing site-hits from HuffPo. It means one of two things-- 1-- They stole some of your content 2-- One of their kook 'writers' linked to you, and a shitstorm of crazy is about to invade Yeah... I noticed some hits from HuffPo yesterday...…
July 1, 2011
Note from ERV-- Like all posts on ERV, I wrote this one the night before (Thurs) and scheduled it for the next day (Fri). But with this post, I wrote it, but then just saved it, intending to completely alter the tone of the post as I was eating breakfast. But then I woke up to an extremely…
June 30, 2011
[fear mongering post for the year. I really hate ticks, and I cant believe no one has told me about this virus before] I love making exclamations like that. First time I had Indian food: WHY ARE WE NOT EATING THIS ALL THE TIME?? When I learned hand-to-hand combat: WHY ARE WE NOT TEACHING THIS TO…
June 28, 2011
BACK!! Went to a wedding this weekend. Actually, was in a wedding this weekend. I had a blast, everything went off without a hitch, and it completely and utterly reinforced my opinion that I want nothing to do with marriage. I just have no emotional or practical need or desire for it. Its not…
June 22, 2011
Today I spent the day driving home-- one of my best friends since the seventh grade is getting married this weekend. Look forward to pics of me in a 'beautiful' hot-pink bridesmades dress soon... Anyway, since I was on the road all day, I of course wasnt connected to the internet. So I just got a…
June 21, 2011
No, Im not talking about XMRV ;) Im talking about using genetically modified viruses to treat prostate cancer :) Broad antigenic coverage induced by vaccination with virus-based cDNA libraries cures established tumors First, just to be clear, I dont know how this works. :-/ I mean, I know how this…
June 20, 2011
Theres something Ive always wondered, in a stupid way, about viruses. Like a sloven Creationist musing "IF EVILUTION IS RAEL, Y NO HUMANS HAS WINGZ???", Ive often wondered "IF EVILUTION IS RAEL, Y NO VIRUSES MAEK US SEXAH??" In my defense, I always wonder this while Im in the throes if a terrible…
June 14, 2011
All the neighborhood kids love mah puppeh, Arnie. They are out playing in the playground, see me and Arnie coming, and they come running over to give Arnie lovies and to get Arnie kissies. And, seeing as my parents and most of my aunts and uncles are teachers, I make sure to use this opportunity to…