Hop on the red carpet, but don't believe the hype.

Interverbal has turned the 41st meeting of the Skeptics' Circle into Awards Night. (Is it too early in the day for black tie?)

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Yes, it's that time again, time for the biweekly carnival dedicated to highlighting actual critical thinking and skepticism directed against the general credulity that we usually find in the blogosphere: The Skeptics' Circle. This time around, our host is Interverbal, who is hosting Awards Night at…
Today, the Skeptics' Circle turns 40. Well, not exactly, but it is the 40th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, and this time around it's being held at Daylight Atheism. Once again, it's time for an antidote for the rampant credulity in the blogosphere, where dubious stories travel around the world…
Interverbal has put together the 41st Skeptics circle.
Skeptics! (And those who value critical thinking and science.) Don't forget, the next edition of the Skeptics' Circle is scheduled to be posted this Thursday, August 17 at Interverbal. If you're a blogger interested in critical thinking and rationality and have written a post that would do The…