I Voted, Did You?


This morning, I walked into my local polling place, signed in, and voted. There were fewer than ten items on the ballot, and it only took a few minutes. I had to wait a moment for one of the booths to open up, but there was no one in line ahead of me. If people aren't voting at 8am before work, when are they voting?

I got to use one of those new fangled touch screen voting machines. It wasn't Diebold, but I still felt a bit uncomfortable when I cast my ballot to dumprick. Was my vote actually going for the other guy or was the dog fucker stealing it somehow? Was a being paranoid?

As I was wrapping up, I overheard a conversation between a couple of the folks working at the polling place. They were mostly senior citizens, but there was one middle aged guy there as well. He was telling the seniors how a doctor friend of his would be voting for John Stallworth Lynn Swann rather than Ed Rendell because of something Rendell said. The guy was openly criticizing his doctor friend's vote in the polling place. I don't know much about the law, but I've got a feeling this wasn't kosher.


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