Many thanks to Afarensis for the kind welcome and the lovely virtual chess set.
Also thanks to Orac at Respectful Insolence and to Razib at Gene Expression for their kind greetings. It's nice to feel welcome.
Actually, Razib has already taken issue with some of my remarks. But that is a subject for a different post...
Update: Oops! And thanks to John over at Stranger Fruit for his welcome. His strange antipathy towards mathematics notwithstanding. (It's the queen of the sciences for heaven's sake!)
In just two short seasons Prison Break has earned its place among the best television shows of all time. Granted, the story has gotten increasingly absurd with each passing week. The fact remains that it is relentlessly suspenseful and has as interesting a cast of characters as any show in recent memory. Plus, I have a soft spot for “impossible escape” stories. So Prison Break earns a spot in my personal pantheon of all time great television shows, right alongside the original Star Trek, Mission: Impossible, The A-Team, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the first two seasons of MacGyver. (…
I used to be a big fan of The Simpsons, but like a lot of people I started losing interest a few years ago. After more than a decade on the air the show seemed to have lost its spark. Well, maybe it's time to start watching regularly again. Tonight episode was first rate. The following synopsis is from memory, so forigve me if I get some details wrong.
In tonight's episode, Ned Flanders becomes outraged that the local natural history museum promotes evolution while presenting the Biblical story as a myth. His children are plunged into spiritual confusion by seeing the display.…
I've been on blog vacation for about three weeks now, and a number of things have happened in that time. So let me get a few things off my chest.
Stephen Colbert was brilliant at the White House Correspondent's dinner. That is a fact, not an opinion. Frankly, the whole idea of the Correspondents' dinner is a bit grotesque. Journalists should not be hobnobbing and having a good time with the politicians they cover. Colbert said exactly what needed to be said.
David Blaine totally won me over with this last stunt. He held his breath for seven minutes and eight seconds. That's freakin'…
Let me begin by thanking the good folks at Science Blogs for inviting me to join their party. The move seems to have gone smoothly. Still settling in, kicking the tires, testing the foundation and all that. Expect the links list to grow precipitously over the next few weeks. And, no, that small grey creature in the profile section is not me. Just a placeholder until I procure a photo of my smiling mug appropriate for the available space. Otherwise, everything seems in order for the production of mass quantities of bloggy goodness.
So what sorts of things do I blog about? Well, as the…