Mendel's Garden

Chris over at A Free Man has done a great job putting together the latest issue of genetics blog carnival Mendel's Garden - check it out.


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The 26th edition of Mendel's Garden will be hosted by A Free Man on December 7. If you have written a blog post about any topics in Genetics in the past month or so, send a link to Chris (chris[at]afreeman[dot]org) to be included in the carnival. We're also looking for hosts for upcoming editions…
Welcome to the 15th edition of Mendel's Garden. This month Gregor wanted to compile a summer reading list for all those going to the beach. But watch out, a sandy keyboard is never good! So here we go: First off, Gregor would like to point out this very interestin peice on what exactly caused…
The latest issue of Mendel's Garden, a carnival o' genetics blogging, is up over at The Inoculated Mind.
I will be hosting Mendel's Garden #25 at evolgen. That's right: the carnival is back! Mendel's Garden is the original blog carnival devoted to genetics. Submit your genetics related posts to evolgen[at]yahoo[dot]com. Because Mendel's Garden has been dormant for the past few months, I'll be…