Sorry for the sudden silence on the blog. My computer died on me yesterday, and so I've been rather cut off. I'm in the process of setting up my gorgeous brand new MacBookPro, and things should be getting back to normal pretty quickly, except that I lost a couple of prepared posts in the crash, so this week might be a bit slow around here.
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He speaks of senseless things
His script is you and me, boys
Time - He flexes like a whore
Falls wanking to the floor
His trick is you and me, boy
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I'd like to apologize for the slowness of the blog. Fortunately,
there's a very good reason: I've got a book contract! "Good Math" will
be published by "The Pragmatic Programmers" press. The exact
publication date isn't set yet, but my schedule plans for a complete
draft of the book by summer. (…
Don't worry — we'll wait!
Too bad it didn't last a few more weeks so you could have gotten one of the just-announced faster MacBook Pros...
Oh, well, No matter when you buy there will be something faster/better/cheaper as soon as you get it...
Increment backups DAILY.
To an external (USB/Firewire) drive.
HIGHLY recommended ;-)