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Because Shelley asked (and Josh, Mike, Chad, Nick, PZ, and John have all posted answers), I'm going to chime in.
Shelley asks:
Are you for or against the death penalty, or (if it's conditional), in what cases? Furthermore, do you believe that societies that sanction war are hypocritical for…
So, Shelley tagged a few of us with this fun meme. Mark and PZ have followed suit.
I am swamped with real-life work, as my posting frequency has shown as of late. I've neglected my New Year's resolution to stay in better touch with my family, then promptly missed my brother-in-law's birthday.…
I just had an interesting weekend.
On Thursday I found out that one of my favorite political organizations, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, was having a little meet-up for bloggers in Washington D.C. Washington? Gosh, that's just a short ride from my digs in Harrisonburg…
OK, so a bunch of us sciencebloggers went to New York City this weekend. This is something that we were trying to do for almost a year now. Sure, many of us Sciblings have met one-on-one on occasion, but this was an opportunity to get many of us together all in the same place at the same time, to…
More like: This guy is a geek god! :)
Aw, thanks Shelley. I'm blushing :-)
In the effort of furthering the meme...
Here's mine
Note to self - clean glasses better.
Very cool. here's mine