I'm a lucky geek

So today's my thirteenth wedding anniversary. And what did my lovely wife buy me as a present?


Yes, a Klein bottle coffee mug.

Does she know me well, or what?


More like this

If she really loved you, she would have gotten you a Banach-Tarski coffee pot. You pour out half the coffee into a second pot, and you have two containers holding the same amount of coffee you started with.


Another example: We know through ErdÅs that "a mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems". It thus follows by duality that a comathematician is a device for turning cotheorems into ffee.

John Armstrong

Happy anniversary!

Ah Cliff Stoll. I was at a few Joint Meetings where he was hawking his Klein bottles in the exhibit hall. He was awesome. He acted like a used car salesman trying to get people to buy his bottles. He always had a crowd around him enjoying the show.

Unfortunately, not enough people bought them on site to justify his travel and exhibition expenses. So he stopped coming.

I have one of his regular flask bottles that I bought from his website a long time ago. I need to bring it in to my new office. It's always a hit.

A brilliant present! If it weren't for the fact that it seems very difficult to clean it, I'd buy one for myself.

I bought a pair of the nominally half liter bottles, one for me and one for my father, the mathematician. It was extremely funny watching him try to explain to my mother (a very sweet woman, and educated, but she grew up on a farm and is very concrete in her thinking) why it was so unbelievably cool.

By Anuminous (not verified) on 12 Jun 2007 #permalink