Good Math/Bad Math goes quiet for a week

Bright and early tomorrow morning, I'm leaving on vacation. I'll be spending the week in
Yellowstone National Park. I'm not sure what the network situation is there, but I'm not expecting much. Unfortunately, this year I didn't have time to prepare some reruns of old posts before I left.

If I manage to find a data connection, I'll try to schedule some interesting reruns. But don't hold your breath. See you in september!


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I just made it back from there a week ago; we didn't find any internet access, but then, didn't look too hard. The fires in the eastern part of the park had slowed their spread, but there was a fair amount of smoke on Yellowstone Lake, and the Tetons were seriously obscured on at least one day.

Mammoth Hot Springs is running a bit low on water, but there was plenty of wildlife - actually saw a female black bear with two cubs along the road from the West Thumb basin to the Upper Geyser basin (Old Faithful).

If you've never been, check out the Gros Ventre landslide east of the Tetons. It's visible from Inspiration Point across the valley, and you can drive up through the toe to the lake it created in 1925.


Have fun. Bring us back some pictures, and look out for anything maths related!

By Paul Carpenter (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

Mick Goldstein = non sequitur

It would be a great loss to the blogosphere if the Yellowstone super-volcano blew up this week, wiping out the US economy, and stopping us from seeing your next blog thread in the process...

Relax and enjoy your vacation!

Legion is that you?

Mark, find Huckleberry hotspring if you feel like a little off trail hiking to a secluded hotspring.

We used to cross country ski up to it in the middle of the winter when I lived in Jackson Hole.