Jim Curtsinger on John West


I was so excited about Mark Borrello's editorial at the MNCSE site, that I totally overlooked This Editorial by MNCSE executive director Jim Curtsinger!

This is bad, because it was Jim who told me about Mark's editorial. What you have to understand is that Mark is a little guy. He's pretty wiry and tough, so I wouldn't want to scrap with him, but I could probably hold my own. Jim, on the other hand, is a big scary guy and would easily do serious damage if he got mad enough at me.

OK, so there's the link... Forgive me Jim.

A taste of J.C.'s editorial:

Borrello's analysis of West's presentation is politely devastating. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to add a few comments, partly because I'm more blunt than Borrello, and also because I have a personal stake. Just a couple of weeks before Dr. West's visit to Minnesota I gave a lecture on the eugenics movement to a large undergraduate biology class. One of my main points was that evolutionary genetics played a crucial role in demonstrating on scientific grounds that negative eugenics, the nasty forced-sterilization part of eugenics, could not work as intended.

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