I and the Bird ...

... #67: Let's all go on a birding holiday is here.

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I am assuming that many bloggers will ease up on posting over the holiday break, but there is still plenty of good stuff to read - just browse the latest carnivals: Tangled Bank #67: Giving thanks for science - now up on Newton's Binomium The 48th meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: last will and…
Here's some reading to keep you entertained while the Respectfully Insolent gang loads up on turkey: 1. Grand Rounds Vol. 3, No. 9 (albeit a couple of days late) 2. Tangled Bank #67: Giving Thanks for Science 3. The Carnival of Bad History No. 11
Oekologie #8 is up on Direction not Destination Four Stone Hearth: volume 21 is up on Archaeolog The 13th installment of Philosophia Naturalis is up on Cocktail Party Physics. Skeptics' Circle #67: Giant Robot Edition is up on The Bronze Blog Carnival of Space #16 is up on Advanced Nanotechnology