This is Darwin Month

"My bones are almost 200 years old."
Charles Darwin's bones will be 199 years old on February 12th. There will be celebrations, shipbuilding, and blogging. I'll try very hard to do something every day, including later today. Beginning tomorrow, this blog will join Charles Darwin on board the Beagle for a trip around the world.

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Karen James, better known online as 'nunatak', is part of the team that is trying to build a replica of H.M.S. Beagle in time for next year's bicenntenial celebration of Charles Darwin's life and work. Karen is the director of science at The Beagle Project and one of the two Beagle Bloggers. She…
Darwin Day - his 198th birthday - is coming up soon, on February 12th. Are you planning on writing a post on that day? Last year I put together a linkfest of all the notable blogospheric contributions for the Darwin Day. Although the number of science blogs has increased greatly since then, I…
The old man would be 199 years old today, so biologists and other science-supporting people are celebrating all around the world. Even in Morris. I'm actually giving two lectures today. The first is a fortunate coincidence: I'm teaching an introductory biology course that emphasizes the history…
[Moved to the top of the page. First posted at 1:43am] Last year, I collected the links to notable posts about Darwin Day and posted them here. That was fun, so I decided to do it again. I checked the Technorati and Google Blogsearch and took my picks that you can see below. I will update this…