1001 Cats Blog Carnival

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I've got an article in the latest New Yorker (not online) on the neuroscience of insight. I begin the article with the harrowing story of Wag Dodge and the Mann Gulch fire, before describing the research of Mark Jung Beeman, John Kounios and Earl Miller: There is something inherently mysterious…
tags: Britain's Hardest Men, journalism, television news, cultural observation, Charlie Brooker, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video What is it about some men and violence? This video news report seeks to provide amusement and a little insight.
I quiver in fear that my number is up, now that Dinesh has caught on. With great trepidation, I read his screed, certain that such a brilliant mind would demolish my godless ways with his deep insight. Well, no. He's indignant, but he's got nothing to say. Oh, well, I'm sure there might be someone…
John Bogle, founder of Vanguard Mutual Fund, brings the imbalance of American society into sharp focus with candor and insight. A conversation that I am going to watch many times, especially the part where Bogle draws parallels between pre-revolutionary French society with its castle owners and…