Gene Genie Blog Carnival is Available

Here.. at Gene Sherpas.

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Gene Genie #7 is up on Gene Sherpas.
Dear Texas Board of Education, I have substantial concerns that the social studies standards proposed by the Texas State Board of Education are not in the best interest of students and are not based on the recommendations of respected academics in the field. These standards place our children in a…
Welcome to the 30th Gene Genie! Indulge in the fascinating world of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine has a "genetics lifestyle" post, Home Improvement For Geneticists. Not quite Tim Allen. Fellow ScienceBlogger Sandra illustrates Mapping polymorphisms in 16S ribosomal RNA. Definitely worth…
Welcome to Gene Genie #24: with a heavy emphasis on Personal Genetics The previous Gene Genie was hosted at DNAdirect Talk and it is still fresh, so go have a look if you have not already. The next Gene Genie will be hosted at My Biotech Life. By the way, the Gene Genie logo was created by…