
I and the Bird #69 is here, at Living the Scientific Life.

Also, check out this info on a new carnival, called "Carnival of the Cities."

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tags: blog carnivals, Carnival of Cities Now that I have finished putting together the 69th edition of I and the Bird (*whew* that's hard work!), I now am focusing my energies on another blog carnival that I am hosting next week: Carnival of Cities. This is a relatively new (to my readers) blog…
Here's the latest carnivalia that has been published in the blogosphere for you to read and enjoy; Carnival of the Vanities, the Samhain edition. Tangled Bank, issue #117. This is the "Carnival of the Vanities" for science and medical blog writers. I and the Bird, issue #87. This blog carnival is…
I and the Bird #69 is up on Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted) Change of Shift Volume Two, Number Seventeen, Murphy's Law is up on Friday Ark #179 is up on Modulator
Here's some reading material for your Sunday afternoon. The Freethinker Sunday Sermonette is amusing today. The Hourglass, a new carnival on the biology of aging. I and the Bird #79 Humanist Symposium #22 Carnival of the Liberals #69 Carnival of the Godless #96 Friday Ark #200 The…