Public Access Public Meeting

Public Access Public MeetingThe NIH is hosting an Open meeting on public access (Bethesda, March 20, 2008). The purpose of the meeting is to air public comments on the new NIH OA policy. The agency is soliciting public comments in advance of the meeting, and about 50 commenters will be given five minutes each to present their comments to the meeting (total: four hours).

Comment. This meeting is one NIH response to publisher complaints that the new policy is based on insufficient public consultation. (See my latest response to that complaint.) Publishers are sure to send in their comments, and it's important for friends of OA to do the same. In case it helps compose your comment, see my February newsletter article on the new policy. NB: the deadline for comments is March 17, 2008, at 5:00 pm EST. Spread the word.

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