
I've not been good about posting current carnivals over the last week or so ... thus, some catching up:

Scientiae Carnival: Fools and Foolishness at Women in Science

The Second Carnival Of Mathematics: The Math Geeks are Coming to Town! at Good Math Bad Math

Tangled Bank #102 at Further Thoughts

Carnival of the Green
at Conserve Plastic Bags

Circus of the Spineless at from Archaea to Zeaxonthol

Encephalon Goes to Paris (Hilton) at Of Two Minds

MedBlogs Grand Rounds 4:28 at GruntDoc

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Tangled Bank #102 is up on Further thoughts The new Circus of the Spineless is up on From Archaea to Zeaxanthol Grand Rounds 4:28 are up on GruntDoc
It's carnival time! Here are four excellent round-ups of blog posts for your scientific delectation. Tangled Bank #102 (everything!) at Further Thoughts  Carnival of the Green #121 (environmental issues) at Conserve Plastic Bags Circus of the Spineless #31 (invertebrates) at From Archaea to…
While the conference site is down and before the new one is built, I need, for myself, a list of blog carnivals I follow, so here I am putting it here for my own reference (let me know if I am missing a delightful and useful carnival - if you manage one of them, make sure I am on your mailing list…
George has posted a last call for submissions for the next edition of the Teaching Carnival - all about Higher Ed, life in academia, etc. He is hosting it on WorkBook this Friday, September 1st, so send your entries on time to: georgehwilliams at gmail dot com Next Tangled Bank (science, nature,…