
from Archaea to Zeaxanthol has Linnaeus' Legacy #6!

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Linnaeus' Legacy is "a monthly blog carnival devoted to the study of life's diversity, and the science of describing and understanding this diversity." The home page for the carnival is here. The current issue of Linnaeus' Legacy is at Laelaps. The reason I'm telling you all this is to get you…
tags: blog carnivals, Linnaeus' Legacy The 4th edition of the new blog carnival, Linnaeus' Legacy is now available for you to read and enjoy. They included two pieces that I wrote, so I am pleased by that.
tags: blog carnivals, Linnaeus' Legacy The 5th edition of Linnaeus' Legacy is now available for you to enjoy. This is a new blog carnival that focuses on taxonomy and biodiversity and is published each month. Happily, it appears to be growing with each edition -- so be sure to go there and give…
This month marks Carl Linnaeus' 300th birthday and biology textbooks still look much the way he imagined they should. Linnaeus is the father of the ranking system of classifying the living world. You might remember kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus, species from the back of your hand in 9th…