Australia sings for Lebanon

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Pangea Day is May 10th. Everybody is going to get together and hold hands to bring the world together. We'll call it "Hands Across the Mid Ocean Ridges..." Well, OK, that may not work, but there will be events of interest. Today we have a little pre-Pangea Day warm up, with a selection of…
This WILL be an historic year at the polls when it comes to the issue of same-sex marriage. The question remains, though, what will this year's election, and the society voting in it, be remembered for? There four states with ballot items related to this issue: Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and…
Geologists are using computer models to speculate where the continents are going to go in the next 100 million years. Their conclusion: the continents may again rejoin into a new Pangea -- Pangea Ultima: Today, some of his most ambitious efforts center on envisioning how Earth might look 250…
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