
This is big. This is really big.

The Tangled Bank Web Carnival Number One Hundred and Five is at The Beagle Project!!!!!! And it's the Tag Team Edition with Peter McGrath and Karen James!!!

Go there now!

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Karen James, better known online as 'nunatak', is part of the team that is trying to build a replica of H.M.S. Beagle in time for next year's bicenntenial celebration of Charles Darwin's life and work. Karen is the director of science at The Beagle Project and one of the two Beagle Bloggers. She…
Tune in to Atheist Talk radio at 9am Central this morning. This week, Peter McGrath and Karen James of The Beagle Project will discuss their attempts to rebuild the HMS Beagle and retrace the voyage to the Galapagos taken by Charles Darwin. I'm afraid I'll be airborne during the show this week, so…
[Moved to the top of the page. First posted at 1:43am] Last year, I collected the links to notable posts about Darwin Day and posted them here. That was fun, so I decided to do it again. I checked the Technorati and Google Blogsearch and took my picks that you can see below. I will update this…
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