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It's common knowledge John McCain has an anger management problem. That's what's at the bottom of his oft repeated refrain that he wouldn't win the Miss Congeniality prize in the US Senate. It's not that he's a maverick. It's that he's nasty and impulsive and without any instinct for comity with…
Until his botched grandstanding over the financial crisis last week, John McCain hadn't set foot in the US Senate since last April. That doesn't mean he wasn't doing business as usual, though: The Bush administration is currently in discussions to send $6 billion in arms to Taiwan. Yesterday, Sen.…
Under the fold: Ex-Cheney aide: Bush won't hit Iran: US President George W. Bush will not attack Iran to halt its nuclear weapons program before his term ends in January, David Wurmser, a key national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney up until last year, has told The Jerusalem Post.…
It's Nobel Prize time, and once again I didn't get the call. In fairness to the Nobel Committee, I didn't deserve it either, but since Henry Kissinger got a Nobel Prize he didn't deserve, I don't know why this should have been a barrier. I could use the money and the fame wouldn't hurt. Anyway,…