The Skeptics Circle Blog Carnival

is here art Ionian Enchantment. Please have a look, there is good stuff there. Honest. No need to be skeptical about it. Just go and look!

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What's wrong with this picture?: You're looking at a screenshot of a map detailing the origins of each of the last 500 visits to Terra Sigillata. I took this shot at about 2 pm local time in Durban, South Africa, home to cognitive science blogger Michael Meadon at Ionian Enchantment. Michael is a…
I must admit that I was getting a bit worried. Morning came today, and there was no Skeptics' Circle. I went to work. Every so often throughout the day I checked again. Still no Skeptics' Circle, at least as of early afternoon. I got home from work around 8 PM, and to my relief, there it was in all…
Always nice when a scene just jumps off the page. Alice's tea party Birds of the open forest dawn Artist is Su Blackwell, whose site has a whole gallery of such enchantment. Hat tip to my better half, Alice, who likes a) good art, b) cut-outs, and c) the Alice pictured.
Having finally hosted the Skeptics' Circle myself last week after a long absence and having had a blast doing it to celebrate the 100th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, I know it's time for me once again to turn over the reins to the next host, who will inaugurate the beginning of what will (I hope…