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From PBS, hat tip DSN

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A while back I appeared on the Tavis Smiley Show on PBS, and pretty much everyone who saw said it went very well. But little did I know, at least until now, that there's an official transcript of the show available. You can check it out here. Meanwhile, you can also listen here.
God help me, I watched all of the debate tonight. I'm not sure why, but I did, and I'll say something about it in an overall sense tomorrow. It occurs to me, though, that one moment after the debate sums up everything that has gone wrong with this country over the last N years. I watched on PBS, so…
Folks, I'll be appearing tomorrow night on The Tavis Smiley Show, on PBS, for a pretty thorough interview about the themes of my book. I had to do the interview by satellite, which is always a bit challenging, but I'm told it came off pretty well. For my local network, WETA, the show is on at…
Intelligent design. Creationism. Evolution. Fossils. Controversy. Charles Darwin. The Controversy, and Teaching the Controversy. The Dover Trial reconstructed with Oscar Winning Performances. Thank you VERY much NOVA and PBS for making "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial" available…