Technology explorations

Check out this thing. It's called the "em chart" and it allows the quick application of the formula that you use to calculate relative "em"'s ... a measure of space in HTML. Web designers who use this sort of technique are making web page that scale properly when the user changes the size of the page. The other web designers ... we'll, they're designing shit.

Do you do Twitter API? If so, check out the Twitter API explorer. here.

One plus one equals two. Unless you are a JavaScript programmer. Go here to make fun of the JavaScript

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This quarter, I'm using a wiki with my bioinformatics class and posting sometimes about the things that I learn. Two things I've been experimenting with are: Setting up pages for individual students so they can take notes while they're working. Embedding a Google form into one of my wiki pages…
The joys of markdown are many. Markdown is a formatting “language” like HTML that you can use to specify the final appearance of text. When you use a “word processor” like Microsoft Word or Writer, the text you generate is “marked up” (or “marked down” as it were) with formatting…
Better than what you may ask? Better than: -Older versions of LInux ... it is always improving. -Windows. Hands down. -Apple's operating system before Apple chose, essentially, Linux (a Unix variant) to run its eye candy and development environment on But why, specifically, is it better? One…
What if you went to drive to work one day and the highway on ramp was closed, and a big sign across it said "Highway is closed. Sorry for the inconvenience." Well, you would find your way to a different highway entrance. But say that one was closed as well.Then, you check around and find out that…