What will you be cooking for Thanksgiving?

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So what's on for Thanksgiving dinner at your place?  Wanna pass on that favorite recipe that you simply can't get away with not making? Here's the (still slightly tentative) menu for us - w e just added a few more guests at the last minute, and I might find myself compelled to add more food, even…
The Thanksgiving advice from Making Light got here too late to do us any good, but we had a fine first Thanksgiving anyway. My parents, sister, grandmother, and one of my great-aunts came up from New York, and Kate's parents came up from Boston, so we packed nine people into our smallish house,…
Here are the rest of the recipes for dishes that I'm making for Thanksgiving this year (with the exception of pumpkin pie -- I'm still shopping for a pumpkin pie recipe). I'll mention here (and should have mentioned in the previous post that all the measurements here are U.S. quantities (cups,…
This amusing essay is making the rounds on the intertubes (as usual) this year, so I had to share it with you. Ingredients: Turkey Stuffing Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes with Gravy Green Beans Cranberry Sauce Hot rolls and Butter Relish tray Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Hot Coffee Instructions…