The New Zoo Borns Is Out!

Just in time for Christmas. The problem with cute baby animals born in the zoo is that they grow up. The upside of this process is that you need a NEW Zoo Born every so often, and the new one is out. ZooBorns The Next Generation: Newer, Cuter, More Exotic Animals from the World's Zoos and Aquariums is ...

f"The new generation of zoo babies will reset the standard for devastating cuteness.
From the creators of the smash hit ZooBorns series of books, ZooBorns The Next Generation features full-color photos and fascinating facts on exotic baby animals from every corner of the world. Filled with brand-new species and some beloved favorites, this collection is irresistible to any animal lover.

These babies are much more than just adorable furry faces. They are ambassadors for their species in the wild, helping educate about conservation while they entertain."

This edition is hardcover, 160 pages, and runs a mere 10 bucks. There are lots of older editions around as well, in case you have a shelf to fill somewhere in your house.

Some of the proceeds of this book go to saving the cute baby animals from stuff.

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