Paula has just been named a Hurricane. This is a storm that formed in the northwestern Caribbean, just east of the Yucatan. Although the storm has the potential to become quite strong from very warm surface waters, shearing winds are likely to keep Paula from becoming well organized. Forcasts as to where this storm may go are all over the place It might round the Yucatan and head west into the Gulf of Mexico; possible but unlikely. It may head west after going north for a while, and go to the Atlantic, passing between southern Florida and Cuba. It may travel over western Cuba and curve…
He's baaack... Dan Griffith has tried this before and he's trying it again: Dan Griffith is running for the Minnesota Court of Appeals seat currently held by Judge Terri J. Stoneburner, and because positions and party affiliations are not part of the campaign process for judicial candidates, most voters don't know that Griffith is a right-wing evangelical Christian who would make rulings based on his faith. Details here Please pass it along.
Information about last week's convention is here. This is alleged to be a picture of Mabus making what looks like an "I'm shooting you with a pistol" gesture: And this is the note he posted on my blog in which he mentiones the whole bullet in the head thing: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION! a bullet for your head, traitor And finally, the *only* man in Minnesota who says there is no God has suddenly become an arbiter on mental health... COME SEE A PHOTO OF MABUS AND AN EXPLANATION OF IT! Mabus never really worried me before, but this is the photograph…
This is astonishing. ...Scientists and conservationists are expressing alarm at the appearance of thousands of walrus on Alaska's northwest coast, a dramatic demonstration of the effects of diminished Arctic sea ice brought on by global warming.... source
And thus, Belushi's 1st audition:
The party of stupid, a.k.a. Teabaggers a.k.a. Republicans a.k.a. The Million Moran March has been attracting significant international attention, which is normal because people like to laugh at American stupidities (and this is just). But I thought you'd like to see this snippet from today's BBC: The Iott controversy comes amid growing concern in the Republican party about the views of some candidates for the mid-term elections in November, our correspondent says. He adds that the growth of the ultra-conservative Tea Party movement has left them with one would-be senator who has questioned…
This is from a year ago or so:
This was not a lion attack. It was a lion, playing: THIS is a lion attack: And finally, this classic video just for fun:
Not that you would ever muck them up, but just in case: Get a terminal somehow (alt+F2 if you must). Type this in: gconftool-2 --shutdown or gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel (or, both if you like) Then, rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel pkill gnome-panel that sounds like a lot of violence and killing and stuff, but it should work. Both of your panels will reappear like magic. If not, go here and complain because this is where I learned it!
I just found out that the gummit says I caint supposed to burn trash in my own damn yard. An, I just larnt my tax dollars pay for socializt gummit things like the fur department and po-lees. This has gotta stop now, elsewize we may have a need to x-plore second amendment remiteez! Because this is the world we really want to live in: Last week, Paulette and Gene Cranick's grandson started a fire in a burn barrel outside the couple's Tennessee home. He added garbage, then went inside to take a shower. A few minutes later, he noticed an adjacent shed was engulfed in flames. It didn't take…
It is said that these were the words uttered by William Orton, President of Western Union, when given the chance to buy out a 10% share of Alexander Graham Bell's patents for $100,000. Those patents included those related to the telephone. A few weeks later, on this day in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Watson carried out the first two-way "long"-distance conversation on a telephone, borrowing for the purpose in-place telegraph line, between Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts. By spring of the next year several additional tests were run over much longer distances, most (but…
The Atlantic's Josh Green reports that millionaire businessman Rich Iott, the Republican nominee challenging Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D) in Ohio's Ninth District, has an unusual hobby: He likes to pretend he's a Nazi. Iott, a tea party-backed candidate, spent time fighting another battle before he hit the campaign trail against Kaptur as a member of the 5th SS Wiking Panzer Division, a group of Ohio World War II reenactors. According to their website, the Wikings strive to "salute" the "idealists" from occupied northern Europe who saw the Third Reich as "the protector of personal freedom and their…
Thank you Al.
Reef Madness: Charles Darwin, Alexander Agassiz, and the Meaning of Coral is a book about the origins of modern science, the interplay between theory and empiricism, the machinations of the Victorian scientific gentry, epic rivalries, polyps and plankton. Reef Madness is by David Dobbs, of Neuron Culture here on Scienceblogs. Look for an upcoming discussion between David and me, mainly about this book. ~ A Repost because it is still a good book ~ This is a book about the competing theories presented by Alexander Agassiz and Charles Darwin about the formation of tropical…