Stealth religious right candidate for the Minnesota Court of Appeals

He's baaack...

Dan Griffith has tried this before and he's trying it again:

Dan Griffith is running for the Minnesota Court of Appeals seat currently held by Judge Terri J. Stoneburner, and because positions and party affiliations are not part of the campaign process for judicial candidates, most voters don't know that Griffith is a right-wing evangelical Christian who would make rulings based on his faith.

Details here Please pass it along.

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Man, reading the comments, I've come to the conclusion that your state is stupid!

Thanks for doing your part to enlighten. Unfortunately it seems all it takes to get elected as a judge in this stupid country is to appeal to some block of voters.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 11 Oct 2010 #permalink

The quote from the article I love is this; "Griffith also disagreed with court decisions that banned the Ten Commandments from public schools and disagreed with decisions that made oral sex between consenting adults legal in Minnesota". 2010, and there is a candidate for judge who wants ORAL SEX to be made illegal? Is it any wonder that a lot of people in the civilised world thinks that America is insane?

Further quote; "He agrees with court decisions that allow religious landlords to deny housing to unmarried couples and agrees with decisions that outlawed same-sex marriage in Minnesota".

So, obsessed with other people's bodily functions and bedroom gymnastics and the need to control them. So, unable to confront the reality that everyone is not part of his world view. So, unable to deal with the complexities of what most folk call "Reality". So, a perfect candidate for judicial office, possibly in Afganistan.

I read the comments after the article, and have to agree with Rich Wilson. A "Stupid State" indeed.

Slogan to use for this election:

"Dan Griffiths: American Sharia."

Put it on bumper stickers and spread it around.

Thanks for sharing this. I'm always frustrated by judicial elections because it's hard to know who to vote for.

Can anyone recommend an online resource that rates judicial candidates on specific criteria, e.g., their track record on church/state separation?

By Methodissed (not verified) on 12 Oct 2010 #permalink

I suspect the 'oral sex' one is mostly an indication that he doesn't know what 'sodomy' means.

Not that it makes his position any less deserving of ridicule.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 12 Oct 2010 #permalink

What is stupid is writing an article about someone you have not even talked to. I did not run on any of the crazy things you said. Please go to my website to know what I am about. As Thomas Jefferson said, "If ignorance is bliss, then why aren't more people happy."