The story of Bora and Sci, two bloggers you may have heard of. OMG, bugs AND cool graphs in the same post. And, for something quit serious: Exercise and Peripheral Artery Disease
"Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity...And I'm not afraid to say it. " ... so THAT's why they hate Mel Gibson? Follow the bouncing logic here. When I was a kid, I collected stamp. I loved it. Then, one day, my uncle sent me a box of ash from a volcano that had destroyed his village in Costa Rica. That was cool. Now, these two cool things are combined into one: Iceland issues stamps made with Eyjafjallajökull ash A report from the field: Out in the Oil with Captain Dave
Where all the crap on the Internet is excluded, so your results are from the kind of sites you actually want to use as sources of information? CLICK HERE and bookmark that page!
Recently I witnessed something remarkable-yet altogether ordinary. I had the honor of being invited to a family's memorial service a while ago. While not a member of this family, I am very close to one member and through him knew the deceased. To the others, Sylvia was sister, sister-in-law, aunt, great-aunt, and relationships extending outward from there. Her own family had scattered after her divorce, and she moved up to Minnesota to be close to her brother's family. Read the rest at Quiche Moraine ...
Just do it. You were planning to give your favorite candidate 50 bucks, and 10 bucks to the Girl Scouts or whatever, and maybe a few bucks to some other cause over the next six months. Well, divert five, ten bucks (or if you're loaded, make it large) as an expression of appreciation to Bora. Why? How? Who? Huh? CLICK HERE NOW Thank you very much.
... by people who really know how to tell a fortune... Ask us any question you want! And we'll answer it for you! We'll have tarot cards! Palm readings! A crystal* ball! And dowsing pendulums (courtesy of SurlyRamics)! You can even attend out pseudoworkshop "5 minute Google: How to impress your drunk ass friends with psychic readings". Then you can hold your own psychic fair! We'll even have raffles (we already know that you're a winner!) And a silent auction. And chairs! And an open bar! And a skeptical psychic face off! You can even compete to prove your own psychic powers are the best in…
Remember Evolutionary Psychology? The theory? It's over. I think I've told the story elsewhere of having been at the birth of Evolutionary Psychology, down in room 14A in the Peabody Museum. If not, remind me some time and I'll tell it. Evolutionary Psychology is a particular theory of how the mind works, how evolution has shaped that mind in certain predictable and testable ways, bla di bla di bla and so on and so forth. And, although there is something in there ... something in that theory ... that is useful, it is mostly not really very close to what happens when humans behave. Or…
Or at least, Greg Laden's Blog is no longer on strike. There is a scheduled phone conversation today between an elite subset of bloggers and the management. I have no idea how the phone call will go (or went), but I've been promised a summary eventually. The bloggers were concerned about delayed paychecks. They were concerned about lousy technical support. They were concerned about a corporate blog being sprung on us, and about the potential of similar things happening in the future, and they were concerned more generally about communications between management and the bloggers, claiming…
There is a small but vocal movement of people who refuse to believe that skin cancer caused by sunlight is a significant health risk. These people tend to also believe that the risk is being purposely hyped by others, and that our current approach to skin cancer prevention is causing an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency.... The story is at White Coat Underground
On Friday, Paul Goldberg of The Cancer Letter reported on an investigation into Duke cancer researcher, Anil Potti, MD, and claims made that he was a Rhodes Scholar - in Australia. The misrepresentation was made on grant applications to NIH and the American Cancer Society. This is important. Read it on Terra Sigillata.
Huge news, and hat tip to excellent food-policy writer Monica Eng at the Chicago Tribune: In a piece published Tuesday, she details that 300 hospitals in the Chicago area and nationwide have begun preferentially buying and serving meat that is raised without the use of antibiotics.... Huh. This is interesting. Read the rest here.
Bora continues his interview tradition on his new site.
You won't believe this photograph, as usual.
I'm one of those dreadful animal-centric zoologically inclined biologists. Plants? What are those? Fungi? They're related to metazoans somehow. Lichens? Not even on the radar. The first step in fixing a problem, though, is recognizing that you have one. So I confess to you, O Readers, that my name is PZ, and I am a metazoaphile. But I can get better. ... Read the rest here
...Let's talk about sex. And let's talk about stress. And then let's talk about how increases in glucocorticoids are not the be all end all of psychiatric pathology.... Are you curious to see how this turns out?
Sometimes a whole bunch of stories on the BBC amuse me all at once, even when they are not necessarily funny. Is it because I read them in a British Accent? Or because of the quaint bits that can only happen in an Old World news story? Or is it just that the British are different yet the same enough for me to see behind a curtain that might otherwise appear as a wall? So let's review the BBC morning news. Read the rest...
By the Quantum Pontiff. Interesting list. Could be an internet meme.
...The park encompasses the giant caldera of a hotspot-fuelled 'supervolcano' that last exploded 630,000 years ago, and is famous as the place to see geysers, hot springs and other hydrothermal activity, all powered by that same hotspot. ... An Epic Post, you must read.
In surveying the diversity of living organisms, the 20th century evolutionary theorist Theodosius Dobzhansky did not see "a formless mass of randomly combining genes and traits." Instead he perceived pockets of discontinuity organized around available ecological niches - clusters of occupied "adaptive peaks" separated by rifts and valleys representing vacant spots in the natural world. Big cats, for example, formed their own mountain chain distinct from the cluster of dog species, and dog species were likewise separated from bears. By looking at the ecological and evolutionary topography of…
The anti-Darwin industry among fundamentalist Christians has produced thousands of pages of misinformation in their attempt to tar and feather the theory of evolution. I have responded to many of these false claims previously. However, one assertion that is especially outlandish is that the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was a devoted Darwinian who funded a program to create "ape-man Superwarriors" in his goal for world domination. As Creation Ministries, publisher of the Journal of Creation and advocate of a young Earth literal interpretation of the Bible, insisted in 2006... Must read at…