... that this cat can actually channel a mouse.
Someday I will tell you the story of this springbok.
Truer words have never been spoken. In an effort to improve, I've taken a few sample photos, including some of the same plant that got me in trouble the first time. They are below the fold, because some will load slowly: These are images that are 500 pixels wide to fit on this narrow blog. The first two are just for fun: I stood on the dock and tracked a swallow that was flying circles around me. I shot about 15, and these are the two that one can see a bird in. The images have been sharpened and otherwise enhanced: (I should note, this is a very windy day, so all the flowers are…
This is as close as one can get: BTW, I believe it is recommended to NOT hide from a tornado in your car. Here's some context: Please ignore the reporter's geographical references. They are quite muddled. The storm did not come from Iowa, and Wadena is not in what most people would call "Northwestern Minnesota."
An Open Letter to Joe Barton: See Above!!!! I saw this guy on the TV yesterday, and wondered, "How much did BP pay him to spew that crap!?!?" I was about to look into it when Mike sent me this blog post. Go read it. Get mad.
And not everyone lived through it. Here's my weather blog entry, for what it's worth. We skirted behind the front, and arrived at the intact cabin (as far as we can tell, it's dark out!) safe and sound. Wadena was flattened, and two people were killed at two other locations in the state.
Who said: 'Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.' Click here to find out and read a whole bunch of other famous programming quotes. While you're geeking out, have a look at The Top 10 Ways to get screwed by the "C" programming language ... and finally, A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages
Somewhere in Minnesota:
A ten page section of the kid's book "Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be" is available for free download here, at the National Center for Science Education's web site. Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be is available (for money) at Amazon. The NCSE web site is here.
Did you know that YouTube has a video editor? It's new. Click here. And finally, a solar airplane exists. I still want my jet pack.
Amazon now owns the patent on social networking. Here. When is this insanity going to stop? Apple admits mistake over "Ulysses" app.
In a moment of astonishing stupidity, Italian prosecutors are taking up a case against geologists who failed to predict a somewhat severe earthquake. The scientists had investigated a series of low magnitude quakes, and indicated that these quakes did not mean that a larger quake was coming. Then, a few weeks later, the 6.3 mag L'Aquilla quake occurred, killing 308 people. See: Hazardous Living: Geologists to be charged for not predicting earthquake?
I dislike the term "god particle" but I could not resist the play on words ... as researchers at Fermilab suggest that there may be five different versions of the Higgs boson, not just one. This would require, apparently, some rewriting of the Standard Model. Here's the story in non-technical terms, and thus, somewhat butchered (but if you're reading my blog for particle physics, you're kinda asking for it anyway). Matter and it's constituent parts may or may not have a certain kind and degree of symmetry. One theory as to why there is only "matter" and not "anti-matter" in the universe…
Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water just off the Florida coast. Mullets, crabs, rays and small fish congregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier. Birds covered in oil are crawling deep into marshes, never to be seen again. Marine scientists studying the effects of the BP disaster are seeing some strange -- and troubling -- phenomena. msnbc Meanwhile BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg has issued an apology for referring to the human victims of his companies greed and incompetence as "small people." Personally, I don't care that he said: "And we care about the…
Paula Begoun is the bestselling author of "The Beauty Bible" and "Don't Go To The Cosmetics Counter Without Me." We'll examine the science behind some popular beauty products, and find out what real research says about makeup myths. Submit a question for Paula to live@skepticallyspeaking.com for a chance to win a copy of "Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me." Go here for all the details and stuff!
Check out this thing. It's called the "em chart" and it allows the quick application of the formula that you use to calculate relative "em"'s ... a measure of space in HTML. Web designers who use this sort of technique are making web page that scale properly when the user changes the size of the page. The other web designers ... we'll, they're designing shit. Do you do Twitter API? If so, check out the Twitter API explorer. here. One plus one equals two. Unless you are a JavaScript programmer. Go here to make fun of the JavaScript
startled ...
And check out today's picture. It's ... different.