This is for sick people looking for help. It is not a phone number for people with mere questions. Only if you are sick. Not for general questions. Sick only. Got it? OK, here's the number. Only if you're sick, OK? 1 866 259 4655
Hold on a second.... Executive compensation will be reduced in the Pig Seven (the seven companies that split up the multi-deca-billion dollar bailout). The argument is against this is that with lower executive compensation, these executives will bail, go away, move to other companies. But these are the executives that ran these companies so deep into the ground we had to ask the naked mole rats for directions when we went to bail them out. So ... why do we care of these executives stay vs. go away? Why are they still breathing our air? Economists take note: You may be scientists. Or…
First, watch this The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Rape-Nuts Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Then, click here and contribute. We need more of this.
Pamela Ronald, author of Tomorrow's Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food, is now a Sbling! She will be blogging at Tomorrow's Table. Welcome Pamela!
David Sloan Wilson is famous for his work on group selection, a.k.a. multi-level selection, and it is quite a coup for Seed and that he has joined our ranks. Please visit E4E and say hey.
For reasons you need not know, I just did something very odd ... watched about ten minutes of Oprah. And I watched as she sat and had a bite to eat with a table of atheists. Whoa..... The atheists were Danish women in Copenhagen. They talked about the system of government, economy, social services, and so on. And at one point Oprah said "I heard you claim to be happier because you are not involved in religion" or words to that effect. Oprah seemed interested in that, but also said that she just didn't understand it. Overall, this was a very interesting event. Oprah was displaying for…
People say that clinical trials have not been perforemd with H1N1 vaccine, so we can't be sure it is safe. Clinical trials have been performed on the H1N1 vaccine. People say that the inhaled version of the vaccine give you the flu. The inhaled version does not give you the flu. Yes, it is a "live" virus ... but only barely. Don't listen to people. People are not as smart as they think they are. Anyway, wired magazine is running a major story on this. I've not read the story, but I just saw the author interviewed on and it looks interesting.
Or so says this crazy, ranting lunatic.
There's a rep for that....
Bug Girl's Blog: "Stupidity....there's an app for that" is a skeptical look at an iTouch/iPhone app to repel mosquitoes. Biological ramblings talks about this cool thing that shrikes do. Do you know about the shrikes? It's cool.
Below the fold. Because that's where it belongs. This is not bad. It is hard to make a parody of a parody. Hat Tip Dusty.
Pseudoscience, quackery, and the swine flu. An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All
Back in the 1990s, Khristian Oliver (that's an interesting name) was robbing a man's home. That man had a rifle to defend his home from robbers, but Khristian took the rifle from him, shot him in the face, and then used the rifle to beat him to death. In this way, the murdered man became one more example of how useful it is to own guns to defend yourself. But that's not the interesting part of this story. The interesting part of this story is that when Oliver was sentenced to death, in 1999, the jury consulted with the bible do help them come to a decision. ...while deciding whether he…
Consisting of the many and varied robotic spacecraft exploring our Solar System and parts beyond, the IREL soldiers on tirelessly, often in obscurity and in conditions that would make even the most hardy of human beings question their resolve, all to provide us with the data necessary to enhance our understanding of the Universe. They may only be robots, but they give every ounce of circuitry in the service of completing their missions, in many cases going above and beyond the call of duty to return useful measurements long after their designed operational lifetimes. Join me now as we take a…
... I'd still slam the door on their faces. Hat tip: Atheist Media Blog