The Time for You to Act on Health Care Insurance Reform Is Now

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Last year, I mocked this extraordinarily stupid joke and the radio host who told it. I guess the radio personality was still feeling the sting — either that, or he wanted the traffic — since he brought it up again today, and also complained about the way I ridiculed the Maine Republican party…
I thought Jebons were supposed to be a joke … so what is this lunatic ranting about? Warning: this is from GodTube, so unless you've got a fair amount of tolerance for crazy, deluded talk, you might not want to click on it. Just in case you didn't want to puke up your dinner by actually watching…
No one will take Muammar al-Gaddafi's speech at the UN seriously because he is generally seen as a raving lunatic. And he might be. However, he made numerous valid points (not all of which I agree with). I loved the part where he threw the book over his shoulder. Interestingly, MSNBC made the…
Consider this the Fouad Ajami edition. Some of you may have read that Ajami compared Scooter Libby to fallen U.S. soldiers in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. Recently, Ajami tried to defend his statements on MSNBC's Hardball. Before you click away for the video, several meta-observations (since…

Correlation equals causation? Please discuss.