This is a documentary from 2001 for you Linux Symps to watch while everyone else is sleeping.
Adobe Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu from justmoon on Vimeo.
Go wish Rebecca a happy birthday, and find out what the heck else I'm talking about here.
Cats: Dogs:
Nineteen former pilots and government officials ... told reporters their questions can no longer be dismissed ..."We want the US government to stop perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth, conventional terms," said Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona... "Instead our country needs to reopen its official investigation that it shut down in 1969," Symington told a news conference. [source] I saw an UFO (pronounced "ooofo," I think) once too. It was a sight I can never forget. Let me tell you about it. A repost, slightly revised I was in an airplane, a…
When something goes wrong we fix it, sometimes making a new rule so it does not happen again. After a while we may get a bunch of related rules and they can be, and often are, organized into a system, perhaps a paradigm, maybe a dogma, or even an -ism. Once you've got one of those, it is easy to fall into the pattern of making your ism more ism than hism. In other words, the isms may start to compete with each other for purity, or internally, the practitioners of an ism strive for purity for their own Freudo-Junkian reasons. Purity becomes an objective. Does this sound unfamiliar to…
And the current issue is HERE.
... and I blogged about it here. But then I saw this video:
The Japanese run everything (does that scare you or delight you?). iTechnology is controlled with eyeMice. Everything he says about human evolution is VERY VERY wrong, just so you know. (E.g. "Mammoths" probably evolved after language. Native Americans do not descend from people who lived in caves in Siberia. Language did not emerge during the last ice age. And so on and so forth.)
Do it for your mother...
Juno is an asteroid that will be coming into view shortly. To find it, go out into the night in a relatively unpolluted sky and look near Uranus. You can often see Juno with a descent telescope, but if conditions are good, you should be able to see it with the naked eye. Juno is the tenth largest known asteroid and is about the size of Maryland. How to find it: The asteroid, which orbits the sun on a track between Mars and Jupiter, will be at its brightest on Sept. 21, when it is zooming around the sun at about 22 kilometers per second (49,000 miles per hour). At that time, its…
I'm pretty sure Amanda and I were abducted by aliens this morning. This is not the first time, for me. I was abducted with two others about 20 years ago in Southern Maine while looking for antiques, back when you could still get them cheap even in antique stores (inexpensive antiques, not aliens). You can tell about the abduction because one moment it is a certain time and the next moment is it much later in time and you have no memory whatsoever of he ensuing time. Since that is essentially impossible, alien abduction is pretty much the best possible explanation. Back in Maine, it… appears to be back in working order again... If you continue to experience problems, please refresh your browser. If the problems persist, let me know. The problem was correctly identified by Commenter Dan!!!
WPTV.COM has a poll asking "Should educators be fined or jailed for offering prayer in public schools?" and the possible answers are "yes" and "no." Which I guess means they are not really asking an "either/or" question although it is worded that way. Anyway, this relates to THIS STORY about people who work for a school system who are currently in trouble for contempt of court. Contempt of court is a jail-able offense, and it is NOT "offering prayer in public schools." Of course, it is true that these individuals were originally in trouble for violating the First Amendment Rights of the…
A while ago I pointed you to Ginny Hughes blog where she was conducting an informal survey as prep for a conference she is attending. She has some comments on the results here. The most interesting result to me is that people in the "autism community" seem to have higher fertility than scientists.
A baby weighing 9 lps, 9 oz, a 9 minutes after 0 on 9/9/09 was born ... in LaCrosse Wisconsin. Clearly, this is the Dolly Llama. Or, maybe it's the Beatles's Baby. Number 9, Number 9, Number 9 .... Or maybe ... No, wait, wait, if this baby had been weighed using the Metric System, it would be 4.337 kilograms. ... Never mind...
We appear to be having technical difficulties with commenting. Technicians have been scrambled. But this site is based on the perl language, so the technicians were probably already scrambled. Actually, I'm thinking it is a problem in the interface between the sql server and the apache server. If you think I'm wrong, go ahead and leave a comment!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!! But seriously, maybe this would be a good evening to get to bed early. I know that works for me, I have a long day planned for tomorrow. ..... ... see you on Facebook!!!!
John Dean revealed the answer on Olbermann's show today. And the answer is ... Financial Information to Embarrass the Democrats. Nixon had a tip that there was a kick-back scheme related to the Miami convention. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Republicans have always been assholes.
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Tell me if this is a good nomination. It's a two-fer. The incident ended in death, so this is the real thing, not some sort of honorable mention. Two men from Illinois were run over and killed on a highway in southern Wisconsin (about an hour out from Madison). They had been passengers in a car and started to argue. The driver of the car pulled over to the side of the road, the men jumped out and started to fight, and a drunk driver ran them both over. Fatally. source