Betsy McCaughey (see this) has been receiving $30,000 per year from a medical supply company to be on their "board." This is of course totally unrelated to her efforts to kill health care reform under both the Clinton and Obama administrations. And Pink Unicorns can fly. The name of the company that has been paying McCaughey off, er, I mean, paying for her I'm sure very useful service as a board member is Cantel Medical. Cantel provides a wide range of medical products. They still list McCaughey on their web site as Elizabeth McCaughey, Ph.D. Chairman - Committee to Reduce Infection…
A TEENAGER who posted a death threat on Facebook has become the first person in Britain to be jailed for bullying on a social networking site. It appears that Keeley Houghton is a bully in real life, and has been bullying one Emily Moore for a few years. In fact, this is her third conviction. She recently reified this behavior on her facebook account and that seems to have been the evidence that put this behavior over the top in this latest round, in the eyes of British Law. This is not too surprising ... that there are teenage bullies and that they do stoopid-shit (tm) on the Internet.…
What the heck is that? Who cares!?!? Just go look at the totally rad graphics Matt has invented out of pure theory.
Karen Stollznow Soks the Haunted America Tours Blog. Karen came up with a totally lame (yet nonetheless titillating) explanation for sexual arousal, wet dreams, and AM erections, made up a totally fake academic cover, and sent a writeup of this explanation to the ghost blog which, in turn, took the bait hook line and sinker. (Am I still en metaphor? OK, good, I think so.) You must visit her blog post and read the details and explore the link. Brilliant! I will sleep easy tonight.
I had responded to the general in query "Where are you going to look for birds this weekend" by simply noting that we'd be going to "The Lake" (Minnesotan for a particular lake, the exact lake determined by context). But on the way up Amanda had the idea of going into Crane Meadow National Wildlife Refuge. This is a small refuge consisting of a swampy lake or two and the Platte River (no, not THAT Platte River), that is apparently famous for its cranes. We we parked and took the biggest loop which was probably about four miles, along the river, to the lake, and back out again. The trail…
Don't forget to make use of the Nature Blog Network's blog, which recently posted a list of new nature blogs, and a community bulletin board. Also on NBN you'll find a list of upcoming carnivals and an interview/highlight of a featured blog (currently, Southern Fried Science).
It was important that this man was thrown in jail. It is very bad that he is not spending more time there. Let me tell you why. The South African man convicted of feeding one of his ex-workers to the lions is due to be freed on parole shortly, after three years in jail. Mark Scott-Crossley was originally given a life sentence for murder but this was reduced after a judge said there was no proof the man was alive. [at the time the victim was thrown into the lion cage] The remains of Nelson Chisale's body were found in the lion enclosure, causing a national outcry. The case highlighted the…
It's a quickie. Below the fold. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy I love the face-palm.
Betsy McCaughey is the wackaloon who invented the idea that the Obama Health Care Plan would involve killing off all the old people. John Stewart and she spent a little time with a draft of the plan, going over details. Below the fold. (This video will probably start automatically) The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Betsy McCaughey Pt. 1 Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Healthcare Protests
Last night on a conference call she asked for radical action on a state by state basis, implying that states who do not want health care reform should take arms against the government. Or something like that. Source: Rumor. So far. If I get more I'll let you know.
Mehta's blog post in which he exposed Higgins' irresponsible and absurd claims has yielded a singularly incoherent babbling response. Is there any doubt that The Illinois Family In Italics Institute should be deeply embarrassed? Here's the "open letter." Ick.
Frank talked down to the audience!!! The previously posted video showing frank slapping down the wackaloon is here. Note the use of the term "ideology" here. You are also seeing it more and more often in comments on this blog. Hat Tip DMB
I just came across the following video, which brought back certain memories..... The particular memory this brought back has to do with those stars you see all over the walls and ceiling at the beginning of the video. After the three day long party, a hand full of us cheerfully cleaned up the room, and one of my main jobs was plucking stars and planets and other celestial bodies out of the virtual sky and sticking them back onto the paper they were originally shipped on so they could be brought to Las Vegas and re-applied to the Skepchick's party room there. I think that after TAM in Las…
Lake Elmo, MN, Aug 27 Health Care Reform Public Forum With special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D. Thursday, August 27th Doors open at 1:45 pm Forum runs 2:45 pm to 4:00 pm Oak-Land Junior High School 820 Manning Avenue North, Lake Elmo Along with my special guest, Congressman Michael Burgess, who practiced medicine before coming to Congress and who sits on one of the House committees with jurisdiction over the health care reform legislation, we'll be discussing the proposals that are making their way through Congress and hearing your thoughts on this important issue. I hope you'…
Feminist Majority Foundation reports on a positive development in a case of true over the top sicko right wing Republican offensive crapola. A law had been passed in the somewhat backwards state of Oklahoma requiring that prior to an abortion, the woman be subjected to a subjective description of her embryo/fetus by a doctor, based on an ultrasound. Unfortunately, the law was struck down for good legal reasons but for irrelevant social reasons. Similar to a bill passed here in Minnesota a few years ago allowing any bozo to carry a gun any time and anywhere, this bill had multiple…
You think I was over the top in my comments on Health Care Reform? Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy 3 Points, Rachel!!!! Republicans ... they're the ones who are really over the top. In fact, listen to me for a second. If YOU have considered yourself to be a Republican over recent years, it is time for you to step away from the cookie jar. Republicans can no longer be my friends. If you want to remain my friend, step away from the cookie jar. Now.
Apropos this, a repost: The bodies of civil rights activists Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman were found after they had been missing for six weeks in the vicinity of Philadelphia, Mississippi, on this day in 1964. From the bbc report of the time: The three young men had left the CORE office in Meridian six weeks ago to investigate the destruction of a black congregation church in Longdale, Neshoba County because it was used as the site for a "freedom school". The school was set up by Mr Schwerner as part of a wider civil rights campaign in Mississippi teaching black…
CALLING ALL ALLIES: Hemant Mehta is the Friendly Atheist (that's a blog) and a math teacher. There are people who want him fired. This is not the first time he's been through this. Please visit his site and give him some support. Click Here. If you are a blogger please point to the above referenced post. It would be nice if there were several hundred supportive comments there.
In my initial list of Falsehoods, I included these two closely related items: Evolution has stopped for humans; and Serious scientists often entertain the question: "Has evolution stopped for humans?" I'll make the distinction between them clear eventually. For now, let's focus on the first: Has evolution stopped for humans or not? The reason we bring up these falsehoods to begin with is because examining them exposes assumptions or requires the investigation of knowledge that is worth talking about. In this case, the deeper question is this: What is evolution exactly? So, this is a…