Betsy McCaughey Bags 30K Bribe Source To Fix Image

Betsy McCaughey (see this) has been receiving $30,000 per year from a medical supply company to be on their "board." This is of course totally unrelated to her efforts to kill health care reform under both the Clinton and Obama administrations. And Pink Unicorns can fly.

The name of the company that has been paying McCaughey off, er, I mean, paying for her I'm sure very useful service as a board member is Cantel Medical. Cantel provides a wide range of medical products. They still list McCaughey on their web site as Elizabeth McCaughey, Ph.D. Chairman - Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, on the Nominating & Governance Committee. So, her statement that she is off the board appears to be questionable.

The story is reported by Salon.


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I am glad she got exposed for the fraud that she is, and I know that she resign from the board of Cantel Medical. She has often been listed as Adjunct Fellow at the Hudson Institute, however, I cannot find her bio on the site anymore? I googled her and I saw her bio from the link from the cache, however, the current site for the Hudson institute does not have her bio.

check it out, I see articles from her but no bio.

By Jack Dumas (not verified) on 23 Aug 2009 #permalink

Her Wikipedia entry lists her teaching in a series of one year adjunct positions, interrupted with time off to raise her kids and "entertain her husband's business associates."

A satisfying life indeed, but it hardly makes her the cutting edge legislative scholar she holds herself out to be.