A skepchick is that rare creature, the skeptic who is both female and desirable. She is generally quite popular, usually due to her appealingly large intellect, her quick wit, or just her ability to stand everyday interaction with skeptical men. "Skepchick" is updated in the Urban Dictionary. Interesting but a bit dicey in spots, IMHO. (Click Here to see it) Hat Tip Elyse
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Fueled by Rush Linbaugh, Glen Beck's babbling, (the voices of the Republican Party), and lobbyists ... There really is a measurable increase in the threat of mainly racist violence against Obama. See also this link from ABC news . .. hat tip Doug.
Betul was never hideous. In fact, she's quite un-hideous in every measurable way. And she now has to change the About Page of her blog because she has completed her thesis defense! Congratulation!!!!!! Visit and say hi.
The Worst Person in the World!!!! Again!!!!
Elvis In 1977 I drove from Nashville down to Memphis with no particular plans regarding Memphis. It was just a place to stop on the way to Hot Springs, Arkansas. I had the name of a cheap motel and a vague idea of where it was. But I kept getting lost. Every time I came to about where this major street was supposed to be, there was a different street there. What the hell was going on? About the fifth time I came to the right/wrong location, it dawned on me ... "Elvis Presley Boulevard" must have just recently been named as such ... That, I realized, could also explain another…
I personally decided to not trust Mac software when I lost a few days of photos like this guy did. Field photos, photos that cost thousands of dollars and the risk of lives to obtain. Not walk in the park photos.
Step 1: Make sure the cable is good. If it is, seek help elsewhere, because that's all I've got for you today on this issue. So I have this windows computer and it was no longer reading the iPod. So I did two things, and each of these things exemplifies a different operating system. I went to the Apple web site for help. This is a PC running Windows, but an Apple iPod and Apple software (iTunes). And I decided it was time to uninstall the scanner software that says "seeking scanner" for two minutes every time any USB device is plugged in, figuring that maybe that was a problem. I…
I'm calling all my friends, we're going to get on a bus, we're going to go to Michele Bachmann's health care town hall and SCREAM AT HER FOR AN HOUR and make sure no one else can talk. Because THAT'S HOW DEMOCRACY WORKS, BITCHES!!!! Oh, no, wait, forget it. I read the head line at DMB wrong. It looks like Michele Bachmann is going to have one of those highly controlled events that allow in only her stepford-zombie Bachmann-symps with prepared softball questions. She doesn't really do the Town Hall thing. Why should she? She's a Republican. It's the Democrats that are into Democracy.…
I guess this guy was not from any of my generations, but you can read all about it here.
The following are links to selected posts on this blog that are related to science education or the evolution-creationism 'debate.' The Wedge Strategy Teaching Creationism in Social Studies: The Wedge Strategy, Plan B Teachers Under Fire Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design Is Blood Ever Blue? Science Teachers Want to Know! Drs Myers and Decker: Advice on Teaching Evolution Ken Hubert, Hero of Life Science Teaching Major Blunder in Science Reporting will Fuel Creationist Claims Review of SMM Exhibit on Race and Racism How fast does evolution happen? Creationism and…
Just Write Blog Carnival August 14, 2009 Edition is HERE.
A new study making its rounds in Christian media reports that people who attend churches with large congregations have more intense, more conservative, and more fundamentalist-literalist beliefs than Christians who attend small churches I fear this is a bit like the popularity of the grease pushing fast food places vs. the mom and pop diners, often sharing parking lots along America's byways. Or am I reading too little into this? Teapot Atheist has deeper thoughts on this.
What the heck is that thing?????? It turns out that today's Google Doodle honors the scientist who discovered EMF (although I believe people fight about who really discovered it, where, and when). PZ noted this here.
I thought I was done with the command line for the week, but then I did something cool that I thought I'd share with you. Linux users only ... others will think this is silly ... join me below the fold. OK, are we alone? Good. It's nice to be away from all those Windows Symps for a while. Oh, I see there's a couple of Mac OSX users lurking in the back of the room. Come right over and join us, this will probably work for you too!. Here is my problem. I use twitter to promote my blog, and I therefore follow almost 3,000 people on twitter. That means that every few seconds there is an…
I never watch TV or read anything that is not directly related to myre search interests in see dispersal eo-evolution. Don't you hate it when people say shit like that? Because you KNOW they are full of shit when they do! But seriously, I am very bad at watching TV shows that have a plot running over more than one episode and lately, Rachel Maddow has totally taken over prime time, so who cares about sitcoms? It seems that "The Big Bang Theory," a TV show about nerdy roomates and the hot chicks they can't have (according to the commercials ... I actually have not seen it) is of interest…
Look closely at this picture of Victoria Crater on Mars. Clicking on the picture will give you a really big file, but a much better look. There are a number of things you can see in this view of Victoria that you could not see on earlier version because this is a somewhat oblique view. The details are in the press release I reproduce below the fold. But the other thing you can see that is REALLY FREAKIN' COOL is the mars rover tracks running along one side of the crater! Go ahead, see if you can find them! Mars Orbiter Shows Angled View of Martian Crater TUCSON, Ariz. -- The high-…