Michele Bachmann will hold "Health Care Town Hall"

I'm calling all my friends, we're going to get on a bus, we're going to go to Michele Bachmann's health care town hall and SCREAM AT HER FOR AN HOUR and make sure no one else can talk. Because THAT'S HOW DEMOCRACY WORKS, BITCHES!!!!

Oh, no, wait, forget it. I read the head line at DMB wrong. It looks like Michele Bachmann is going to have one of those highly controlled events that allow in only her stepford-zombie Bachmann-symps with prepared softball questions. She doesn't really do the Town Hall thing. Why should she? She's a Republican. It's the Democrats that are into Democracy. The Republicans, like those after whom they name themselves, would be happy with a fiddle plaing Caesar.

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Outside with the signs denouncing Butcher Bachmann and her communist death camps.

Don't forget to demand to know if she's stopped abusing her son yet too.

By Captain Obvious (not verified) on 17 Aug 2009 #permalink

Oh and lots of recording equipment for when the jackbooted Bachmanns Brownshirts come and close you down, violating your Constitutional rights under some flavour of "breach of the peace" fascism.

That way you can record her muslim extremist tendancies as her goons hustle you away for "processing".


By Captain Obvious (not verified) on 17 Aug 2009 #permalink