with at...
I recommend not going the dual boot option. Just wipe the Windows install. But remember: Linux is not for everybody.
Organ virtuoso Qi Zhang plays her electric rendering of "Ridiculous Fellows" from Prokofiev's "The Love for Three Oranges" orchestral suite. This exhilarating performance from TEDx USC features the Yamaha Electone Stagea, a rare, imported instrument specially programmed by Qi herself.
An oldie but a goodie: Hat Tip: The Intersection.
Using the safe, stable, and sexy live CD: Remember. Linux is not for everyone.
I recommend avoiding dual booting if one or more of your systems is Windows, because Windows does not play nice with other operating systems. But if Windows messed up your booting software (Grub) this is how to fix it.
Cats: Dogs: Hmmm... don't have one for dogs this week. Hat Tip: The Millikan Daily
Woooo!!!! Hat Tip: Dump Bachmann where you will find more from Ed.
They don't exactly equal each other. But from the perspective of a skeptic, I would like you to consider that belief and blame are very similar. Yesterday at the Skeptics 101 panel at Connie, I heard the fact that not everyone today is already a questioning, thoughtful, intelligent skeptic blamed on the usual things. Kids these days. The school system. Standardized tests. Dumb-ass political leaders. And so on. Buried in this is a thread to a second thought I wanted to get on the table quickly: In the US, we need academic standards for K-12 that are uniform across the country. Anything…
Several years ago, I was at a going away party for Bruno. Bruno was a hard core scientist who was being brought into the Biosphere project down in Arizona to get it straightened out after a long period of bad press. One of the folks at the party was an archaeology graduate student, Ben, who had a very dry sense of humor. As Ben was leaving that evening, he turned to Bruno to wish him well. "Bruno, see you around! And good luck with the terrarium!" .... Sorry, that's my only Biosphere story. Here's a Ted Talk on it: Jane Poynter tells her story of living two years and 20 minutes in…
Before they know how pronounce the thing the story is about: After they know how pronounce the thing the story is about:
The best of last June There is new information from an older idea (from about 2000) by Paul Sherman and colleagues. The idea underlying this research is simple: Symptoms of illnesses may be adaptive. Indeed, this may be true to the extent that we should not call certain things illnesses. Like "morning sickness." Broadly speaking, there are two different kinds of reasons that a woman may experience nausea in association with pregnancy. 1) This pregnancy thing is a complicated mess with all kinds of hormonal (and other) things going on, so you puke; or 2) a woman who is pregnant feels…
Nigeria's state oil company rejected criticism from a leading human rights group Wednesday, calling an Amnesty International report "inaccurate." "We have issues with the report," said Levi Ajuonoma, a spokesman for Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. Amnesty said Tuesday that pollution and environmental impacts from the oil industry in the Niger Delta are creating a "human rights tragedy" in which local people suffer poor health and loss of livelihood. Governments and oil companies are failing to be accountable for the problems, Amnesty said in its report, called "Petroleum, Pollution…
There's got to be a good explanation. Either way, somebody's gonna loose themselves a trailer ...
... to help with the twitter and facebook accounts and related issues. Please go here and read the details. Contact details are therein.
The BS continues. I'm very tied up today with some political issues, practicing my Klingon, and a writing project. But I still have time to briefly point out what is going on with Bachmann. Bachamann wants her constituents to believe that if they fill out any details at all on the US census form that they will some day be rounded up and tossed in a POW camp. The reason she wants this idea out there is simple. She is linking a fearful thing, a thing that if true we really should be afraid of, with Obama, Democrats, Liberals, etc. In her racist, sexist, anti-gay congressional district,…
As I noted several days ago, a temporary change in policy has brought ads for "Mail Order Russian Brides" as well as a number of other ... interesting ... products to the ad spaces on Scienceblogs.com. Since I pointed this out, other Scienceblog bloggers have apparently noticed it as well and complaints now abound among the bloggers and commenters. I had not personally noticed it, but apparently these new ads also include woovending. And of course, the site is still sponsored in part by Shell, which from a human rights perspective may be far more significant than Mail Order Russian Brides…
The con, as in this con. The convergence con (known as "connie") is a science fiction convention, and this is the first time I've ever been to one. It is just like such things are depicted in the movies and on TV with one minor exception: On TV and in the movies many of the actors playing Con visitors are dressed as Star Wars characters, and today I saw only one Star Wars character and it was R2D2 But I'm not here for the funny costumes, I'm here for the science. And, I got to meet some of by blogospheric heros! The Skepchicks are here, and I'm at the conference as their guest (as…